Knife 2.0

 From:  schneich
i had some progress on the knife, BUT now i want to make bevel the handle like in the lower model (which also didn't work, i tried the sweep/profile hint)
but with maintaining the bevel like in the upper model. the red lines show want i want to achieve....




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 From:  Michael Gibson
5320.2 In reply to 5320.1 
Hi torsten, can you please post the 3DM model file of your knife so I can check out your geometry and curve setup there?

- Michael
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 From:  schneich

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5320.4 In reply to 5320.1 
Hi torsten, thanks for posting the file. Generally it is easier to put in bigger bevels and rounds first before doing smaller ones. Currently you already have some smaller radius rounds around there in that same area:

Or now that I look at your curves it looks like you've got those rounds baked into directly into the profiles themselves.

You probably need to have that larger rounded area built in earlier, possibly start with the profiles making all sharp edges and then you can put in a larger radius fillet in the corner to make that portion of the model and then worry about getting the smaller rounds in after that, although you may have to custom sweep in the small ones since probably the fillter will have difficulty putting in little fillets on something that comes to a sharp and narrow point like that.

But a fillet like this would work for rounding the corner, also see attached 3DM file.

Once that larger feature is in place then start to worry about the smaller sized rounding after that, you may need to build a long sweep along there or trim back some open space and use Blend to put in some smooth connector pieces, because probably edge filleting on stuff that runs all the way to the narrow sharp point will get confused.

- Michael

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 From:  schneich
before i put the bevel right into the sweep profiles i tried like you suggested. i swept without radius, made the big bevel afterwards, but THEN my problem is i never managed t make a bevel starting from the very tip of the knife, right to the end....

cheers and thanks :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5320.6 In reply to 5320.5 
Hi torsten, yeah probably the edge-based filleter will have difficulty trying to put a fillet on edges that run into such a combined thin and also simultaneously pointy area like that.

You will probably need to use an alternate mechanism for modeling the smaller rounded parts, maybe constructing a rounded sweep surface, or cutting some area away from each side and using Blend.

You also might be able to use surface/surface fillet for building a fair amount of the needed fillets. Surface/surface filleting is when you break your model apart into individual unjoined surfaces and then select 2 surfaces at a time and then do the fillet. That generates the fillet in a somewhat different way that is calculated more directly between each surface instead of tracking along edges like the regular edge-based fillet will do.

The surface/surface fillet does not do things like deal with corner junctions where multiple fillets are running into one another - that's one reason why it can generate stuff in areas where the edge based filleter will have difficulty though.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5320.7 In reply to 5320.5 
Another thing is that on the all sharp edges one you may be able to get the fillet to work if you fillet everything instead of trying to leave the knife edge unfilleted. That will make a weird result but you can then extract the fillet surfaces that were created by selecting them and using Ctrl+C to copy them, then undo and then paste them in, and that can give you some rounded section pieces to work with, you would still need to fill in some areas and do some manual trimming to get them into place then.

- Michael
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