Need Help with UI - Scene/Object Browser

 From:  sneather

I was just sent a detailed CAD .STEP file by a client. It has hundreds of parts, with (seemingly) long names.
However, unlike almost any other current design program, I can't seem to click and drag to change the size of the browser windows. "Squishy UI" I think it's called?
All I can find in the Options menu is the choice to move its location. But nothing helps me adjust the width of those browser windows.

Please tell me I'm just missing something...


P.S. This is for the Mac version.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5319.2 In reply to 5319.1 
Hi sneather, nope you're not missing anything there is not currently any nice and easy way to adjust the width of the scene browser panel. That is something that's on my future enhancement list.

It is possible to widen it by editing a UI definition text file though. To do that, right click on the MoI app and pick "Show package contents", then inside there go to drive_c/moi/ui and inside that directory you'll find a file named BrowserPane.htm - this is the file that you will need to edit using a text editor application. Near the top of that file you'll find a <style> section that looks like this:

			body {
				padding:0.3em 0.2em 0.5em 0.3em;
				width:15em;  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The width: line where I've added the <<<<< above is the one you need to edit - em units are character sized, so the current width of 15em means 15 average width characters. Edit that to say 30em for example instead and you will then your browser pane will be doubled in width.

I haven't quite figured out whether to try and make that width be mouse adjustable (but not too easily so that it happens on accident) or whether it should be a numeric setting in the Options dialog.

Probably your STEP file has some kind of hierarchical assembly structure to it - the hierarchy gets expanded into object names and that's what results in those large object names. At some point in the future when I've got other mechanisms like groups working properly I should be able to try and preserve the hierarchy instead of it getting all flattened.

- Michael
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 From:  sneather
5319.3 In reply to 5319.2 
Thanks Michael.

I'll look forward to your future enhancements there. I will say, from all my experience with other "squishy" UI systems, whatever risk of accidental shifting which might occur, is vastly outweighed by the value of being able to quickly re-size whatever you want on the fly.
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 From:  sneather
5319.4 In reply to 5319.3 
Strange. I just tracked down the "BrowserPane.htm" file, but when I open it with TextEdit, it's totally blank.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5319.5 In reply to 5319.4 
Hi sneather, I also noticed that does not like to edit it for some reason, I had to use XCode to do it instead which worked fine.

Maybe try copying it to some other directory first, maybe TextEdit won't edit things inside of a application package of something like that.

Also I've attached here a version that has the width doubled so you can copy this file over to of the existing one.

- Michael

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 From:  sneather
5319.6 In reply to 5319.5 
Sweet! Thanks. I don't have MS Word on the machine with MoI, otherwise I would have tried that, too.
I'll use your replacement for now.

Thanks again!
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