Moi config-file?

 From:  pixelhouse
I installed Windows 7 on my PC and had to reinstall all programs.
My problem is that the old shortcuts no longer work.
At the time I saved a config file where all settings are included.
My question is, where do I copy down the beast? :)

A short excerpt of the config file.
MaxTextureSize = 2048
Rotary style = World
ReverseRotateButton = n
[Shortcut Keys]
Alt + A = script :/ * loop selection * / moi.geometryDatabase.selectLoop ();
And so on ...

Greetings and a big thank you!

Sorry for the wrong title

O.K. i found the entry in the Moi-preferences "Edit .ini-file.
This is what i am looking for :)

Only looking for, then ask;) I notice it myself for the future


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5309.2 In reply to 5309.1 
Hi Jörg, it looks like you've got it all figured out - yes you can see the default location of the moi.ini file on the dialog that pops up when pressing the "Edit .ini file" button. The directory it goes in is slightly different depending on which version of Windows you are using, but if you go to the Start menu and enter in %AppData%\Moi it will take you there.

- Michael
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