Plotting lot lines

 From:  yakas
Hi everyone, I am working on a skatepark project and I have been modeling it using MOI. I just received the actual survey of the plot and wanted to created the lines from the attached table. It uses compass degrees and I was wondering how to input those into Moi

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 From:  bemfarmer
5307.2 In reply to 5307.1 
Hi yakas.

This should be relatively easy to do.
First translate from "survey jargon" :-)

Line lengths can be entered into MoI.
The angles need to be "translated," Then they can be entered into MoI.
Using the origin as the start point, MoI angles are measured counter clockwise from the +x axis.
So for N (North) add 90 degrees to 33 degrees, 52 minutes, 31 seconds, and further translate to decimal degrees
"Angular measurements are commonly expressed in units of degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS). One degree equals 60 minutes, and one minute equals 60 seconds. To simplify some mathematical calculations you may want to express angular measurements in degrees and decimal fractions of degrees. "

Pick a Start Point, and lay out Line1, with the translated angle.
Line2 starts at the end of line1. (I believe.)
Line3 starts at the ent of line2. etcetera for the rest of the Lines.

I believe the curve center is at the StartPoint. (?)
Here is a reference to "delta angle"

If you need more help, I can look at it in more detail later. Got to go do some work now.


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 From:  bemfarmer
For the first part of the angle:
North translates to 90 degrees
West translates to 180 degrees.
South translates to 270 degrees.
East translates to 360 degrees.

Then add or subtract the rest of the angle.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5307.4 In reply to 5307.1 
Hi yakas, the compass measurements will need to be converted to regular angle measurements, it looks like Brian has included information above on how to do that, please let me know if you are still stuck on that part.

Once you have converted those, you can then use polar coordinate notation to enter in the coordinates:

Polar coordinates are entered using the < symbol in the form of:   dist<angle

So for example to make a line that has a length of 5 and an angle of 32 degrees, you first place the start point of the line and then for the second point enter in polar coordinates by typing this:    5<32   and push enter. That will tell MoI to place the current point at a distance of 5 units and an angle of 32 degrees away from the previous entered point.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Got in some practice with the polar entries.

It seems that some data is missing.

Here is a picture of the excel decimalization of the angles.

Here is a picture of the property lines. There is not closure.
The gap is about 1.8 feet.

Here is a picture of the two curves.
The radius for the two red curves is huge.
There is no way to locate where the curves would be located on the property.
They are almost straight lines...
An unwrap of the two red curves shows lengths of 72.6391feet and 70.8194789 feet, pretty close.

You would have to locate the two curves on the property.

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 From:  yakas
5307.6 In reply to 5307.5 
Wow, thanks for all the effort you guys. I attached the full image so you can see how the lot (Parcel 2 - .66 acres) looks, maybe it will offer a clue as to the missing lines. I also attached a drawing I did of the park design traced from my Moi model(just for fun). Thanks

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 From:  bemfarmer
5307.7 In reply to 5307.6 
Cool project.

Oops, C1 and C2 are the (not) "missing" pieces. I thought they were part of the track.

Here is a .3dm which should be very close. Made the red curves tangent at one end each.
Not exactly sure how the surveyors do it.

EDITED: 19 Feb 2014 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  yakas
5307.8 In reply to 5307.7 
Thats perfect, thank you. I'll put a picture of you up on our supporter collage if your interested. It will be visible on our upcoming revamped website. check it out in one our our posts:
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5307.9 In reply to 5307.8 
Hi yakas,

Cool skatepark concept, if you like you can download some skatepark elements from they are free to use or you can contact the designer to ask permission to use commercially, I'm sure they'd be happy to get a mention on your design.

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 From:  yakas
5307.10 In reply to 5307.9 
there are some cool designs on there, thanks
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