Hi Lang and Michael!
Lang, yes, that's right. Blend currently works by joining a tangent surface between two single curved edges, whether the edge curves be a closed course or as a piece.
I use Rebuild religiously now! I tends to make things easier down the road with only one edge to worry about.
There are two other things to consider as well:
1) Sometimes you might have a clean and solid surface face but the edge curve seems to be made of more than one segment.
You may also notice that these segments have no intersecting seam that separates two surfaces.
If this is the case, you can select them provided they are all touching and run the Merge command. Then you should have a solid curve for the edge of that single face.
2) Some times unavoidably, you have a nice single curved edge on a surface that you wish to blend to something else that just so happens to have many broken individual segments with their own faces. Kinda like you have now.
Did you know you could break a single edge curve up into smaller segments so that maybe you could make a Blend for each section that corresponds to each surface edge.
If you grab the larger solid edge curve and run Trim, then you can push the Add Points button and add some points to that curve.
Then when you hit done, you will still have a solid surface face, but you should have broken segments now. You could thus use those to Blend to other things.
To see a little on that check this out:
But yes, a wise man named Michael encouraged me to think "Whole-istically", and I now try for larger, more whole surfaces with the help of Rebuild and Network.