Blending holes in surfaces

Hi there, my first post on here so hope it goes to plan :-)

I have been struggling to find a way of putting a hole in a surface such that it blends very smoothly at one end. Think of a vent in the body of a car / aircraft. I created a rough idea of what I mean in Modo and attach it here. What's the best strategy for doing this in MoI?

Thanks for your help.


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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
I hope this tutorial helps you:

If not, lets see what can be done.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5228.3 In reply to 5228.1 
Hi Mark, when you talk about making features that are smooth to other pieces at some point typically that will be done using either the Blend or Fillet commands. Mike's tutorial shows a bunch of stuff about the Blend method.

Fillet would go something like this - you'd make an initial hole that had a sharp edge where it connects to the main body:

Then select the sharp edge:

Then apply a large radius fillet:

- Michael

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Sweet and simple, Michael...

Sometimes my thought process is stuck in "Rube Goldberg" mode. ;-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5228.5 In reply to 5228.4 
Hi Mike, well the Blend technique is definitely good for a sort of more multi-direction-scallop kind of thing like in your image above. When there is more of a straight side wall type shape then just that strategic one fillet can be easier.

- Michael
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Hey - thanks for your help! The blend technique works very well for what I need. I am going to spend some time working through those other tutorials now Mike. :-)

How do you have your user interface set up Mike?


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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Great deal Mark! Glad it helped.

There are so many ways to achieve a construction objective in MoI, sometimes the trickier part is deciding the work-flow method first.

For my UI, I've been using the "out of the box" V3 UI setup but with my own custom background, construction line and selection colors set by the .ini file.

As for the lighting options scheme, I've been sampling each of the versions I came up with - like a "kid in a candy store".

Some are good for display, and some are good for modeling work. MoI is versatile that way.
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