Hi Aeromod,
Many thanks for your kind words. Yes, it was a little bit difficult to present that model in 30 days... it is not quite finished, and I had to press myself on the last weekend... but hell, was it worth it !! :)
As for the wingtips: tried several things to make them realistic (according to the blueprints I had), until I gave up and just used a simple blend between edges. If you looked at the wing from it's side, you would have four edges: front-top, front-bottom, back-top and back-bottom. Just used blend between the two front edges, and then again between the back ones. (Fortunately, the surfaces came out nice, so that the program was able to create a solid afterwards. And of course, it did not quite match the blueprint in the end, but hey, it was either that or nothing :( (At least, for the little experience I have with the program, and with this all 'new' Nurbs modeling)
Anyway, that was not the only point I had to make a compromise... the model may look realistic, but in fact, it isn't, if you look at the blueprints. (Take the front of the engines, for intance... they were modeled a little different, and the black paint was not quite like that in reality. But hey, again, a little compromise :) )
By the way, speaking of paint: there is not a single texture: ALL of the details, how small they may be, were cut directly into the model, by projecting curves and creating new faces with a different material! Now, this is REALLY cool from a 'poly' perpective! I would not be able to do that in Blender! And as many know, is IS quite difficult sometimes to get the textures right, fixing seams, distortions and so on... with MoI, it was a breeze to paint. To a guy with a poly background, I was quite impressive to be able to do this, and save a lot of headaches!
Thanks for your time.