Feature Request - Update for new Mac Book Pro Retina Display

 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
Hi Michael,

I know you've let the Mac version run free in the wild, but is there any chance you'd consider an update to support the new Retina display on the Mac Book Pro?
If I set the display to it's highest setting (which is a pseudo 1920x1200) it's kinda ok, but at more conservative settings, where there is more scaling going on I guess, it all looks a little blurry. Certainly not enough to cause me to lose my lunch instantly, but I won't be able to play for long..


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5211.2 In reply to 5211.1 
Hi Gav, unfortunately the tools that I use for constructing the MoI Mac version do not currently have any mechanism in them to handle the Retina display so at the moment there's not really much that I can do about it.

It may take a while for the XQuartz environment to get updated to enable full Retina support.

If you set your screen to the actual full 2880x1800 resolution then it should work, although a lot of stuff will probably have tiny text there. You need to use a separate utility to switch to the actual full resolution since Apple hides it in the regular controls. Here's one utility for that:

There are a lot of programs and also development tools that need to be adjusted for the new Retina screen behavior and it may take a while for all the various tools to get updated and for the updates to trickle down to the particular system that MoI uses.

- Michael
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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5211.3 In reply to 5211.2 
Hi Michael,

thanks for the update. I suspected it may be a can of worms. My experience with the Retina display has been rather bitter-sweet.
The utility you suggested does actually work rather nicely for MoI. The text is small but adjusting the ui size to 20 and bingo.
Obviously, this works for MoI as its graphical in nature, other apps are madly small to say the least :-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5211.4 In reply to 5211.3 
Hi Gav, yeah most apps do not have MoI's same ability to scale the UI to any arbitrary size, so that "full screen resolution" method probably won't work too well as a full time mode.

But if you know that you are going to spend a chunk of time in MoI then doing that resolution switch may work for now anyway.

Can you test something when running under the regular Retina resolutions - what happens if you right-click the MoI .app and then pick "Get Info" then on that panel that comes up in the "General" section near the bottom there should be a checkbox labeled "Open in Low Resolution". Is it possible to uncheck that or is it grayed out?

- Michael
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 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5211.5 In reply to 5211.4 
Hi Michael,

sorry for the slow reply.

The flag is current unchecked and unselected. I have played around with this and the plist options in MoI and Wineskin, but it changes nothing.

The best option is still to switch res and increase the UI.

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