Rounding/Conversion Error in Viewport

 From:  FDP
I've been happily using MoI for many months now and just came across my first real bug, unfortunately it's pretty huge (and forced me to switch back to using Rhino for this project). I have a native MoI 3dm file that was in inches. I copied and pasted part of the design from that file over to a new MoI project that was set to inches, then switched to mm. Everything converted slightly off (what should have been 170mm is instead 169.926mm). Not one to let a unit conversion be a showstopper I created a reference line at 170mm, then pasted in the original file again, this time scaling it by hand, which should have been giving correct results. Not so! I'm still ending up with random errors throughout the design.

Now for the even weirder part, if I create a new line in an orthographic view (top) that is 145.5mm in my new project, it will instantly switch to 146mm after creation, if I create a line that is 156.5, it will switch to 157, and so on. Grid snap is off, Straight and Object snap are on, decimal display is set to 5 trailing zeros. I am completely lost here! At this point we had to switch software and redo the drawing, but I have hundreds of designs in MoI that I am now concerned about (I really like using it more than Rhino for the beginning of my projects). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Some notes:
I did have multiple instances of MoI open on the same machine. The file history is also incorrectly failing to list the last files open in some of my instances, so perhaps there is something going on here as well?

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 From:  BurrMan
5196.2 In reply to 5196.1 
Where are you getting the "slightly off" value from... The readout in the upper right is a rounded approximate number. If you actually clcik that field to open the edit/entry dialogue, then the actual numbers appear?

"""""""""""Some notes:
I did have multiple instances of MoI open on the same machine. The file history is also incorrectly failing to list the last files open in some of my instances, so perhaps there is something going on here as well?"""""""""""

That file access history is written to the MoI ini file upon exit of the application.. With multiple instances open, you may get writing, re-writing of these fields appear odd? See if thats it.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.3 In reply to 5196.1 
Hi FDP - that display in the upper right corner gets rounded when values are greater than 100 so that there would be more room to fit larger sized coordinate readouts like: "22200 x 2222 x 1122" on a single line there.

Right now the rounding happens for any values above 100, even if it was going to be just a single value displayed like it is for a line. I am planning on overhauling that in v3 so that it will only do the rounding when there is actually a shortage of space instead of just for any values over 100.

When you click on that line with the mouse, the popup that comes up will have full non-rounded values on it, so if you click there you should see that your value is actually correct.

There is also an update you can apply to your current installation to turn off the rounded display, see here: (for the v3 beta) (for v2)

> I copied and pasted part of the design from that file over to a new MoI
> project that was set to inches, then switched to mm. Everything converted
> slightly off (what should have been 170mm is instead 169.926mm).

This sounds like it might be a different problem - can you please send me the Rhino file that is not converting properly.

Did you mean to write the reverse - what was supposed to be 169.925mm is displaying as 170 in MoI's upper-right properties panel ? Because if it is actually the reverse of what you wrote then that is the same rounding issue and should be solved by the above updates.

Please let me know if the updated readout does not solve the problem for you.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.4 In reply to 5196.1 
Hi FDP, and yes this part:

> I did have multiple instances of MoI open on the same machine. The file
> history is also incorrectly failing to list the last files open in some of my
> instances, so perhaps there is something going on here as well?

Like Burr mentions, each instance of MoI will write out settings when it closes down, so the recent files list from the very last instance that you closed will be the one that actually ends up in your moi.ini file.

- Michael
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 From:  FDP
5196.5 In reply to 5196.4 
Wow... I really couldn't have asked for better support. Thanks for your insanely quick and spot on responses!

I've been working in inches (not my own preference, but for US manufacturing it is easier) and haven't really encountered sizes larger than 100 before! And yes, if I just click on the number it now displays properly (for some reason I had it in my head that setting the 5 trailing zeros would stop the rounding in the viewport, and forgot that very basic operation to check the value!). I think there is still some unit conversion oddity that is going on, but it looks like the real issue is a misunderstanding I had with the UI!

Michael, I will PM you the file in it's original inch setting so that you can check the unit conversion and let me know if this seems off.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.6 In reply to 5196.5 
Hi FDP - thanks for sending the file. I cannot find any error in the conversion there aside from the display rounding issue mentioned above.

Your line that is labeled "This should be 6.35mm" starts out at 0.25 inches, and when switching units to mm if you select the line it does indeed read out as 6.35mm .

Your rectangle that is labeled "This should be 170mm" starts out at 6.69 x 6.69 inches (which you can double check in Rhino using the BoundingBox command in there), and after conversion to mm it is not 170mm but that's because 6.69 inches does not convert to exactly 170 mm, 6.69 inches actually converts to 169.926 millimeters.

6.69 x 25.4 = 169.926

If you convert from inches to mm in Rhino and then use BoundingBox in Rhino you'll see the exact same result as in MoI - your rectangle gets a millimeters size of 169.926 x 169.926 in Rhino as well.

It looks like your size in inches is rounded slightly when it was originally entered? If you wanted a size of 170 mm the equivalent in inches is not a nice number with limited digits, it's something like: 6.6929133858267716.... etc

So your original value in inches is truncated and didn't get close enough to what you'd need to get the equivalent of 170mm. You maybe should create it in mm to start with, or while you're in inches you can enter in values with mm at the end which will then do a higher accuracy conversion for you, like if you draw the rectangle in unit inches enter in both 170mm in the text field for width and height and you'll then get what you wanted.

How was it that you originally created the rectangle, did you type in 169.926 as the values for width and height?

Anyway, that's why the rectangle does not convert to what you were expecting, it's because it's not actually at that size.

- Michael
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 From:  FDP
5196.7 In reply to 5196.6 
Yes, It was definitely 100% confusion all around. The reference document we were using had the wrong conversion for the 170mm to inches conversion. Somewhere in the confusion whoever it was that checked the conversion yesterday (probably me) just went back to the reference instead of using a calculator...

Thanks for taking your time to help and giving such excellent support to your customers, even when they are chasing after phantom issues!

Best Regards,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.8 In reply to 5196.7 
Hi FDP, no problem, I'm glad you got it all sorted out now!

And sorry about the rounding in the MoI properties panel display adding more to the confusion - that was really a mistake on my part to worry so much about fitting large stuff in there so much, for the next v3 beta that will be switched to not do that extra rounding and you can apply that change to either v2 or the current v3 using the updated file at those previous posted links.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.9 In reply to 5196.7 
Oh now that I checked, it turns out that the updated UI files that I posted previously only disable the rounding for "feet & inches" type display, not decimal type numeric display. I'll post another update here a bit later that will disable the rounding of larger values for decimal numeric display as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.10 In reply to 5196.7 
Hi FDP - attached here is an update for the current v3 beta which should actually disable the additional rounding on decimal values of 100 or greater, to update your installation copy the attached file over top of the old version which is inside of the \ui folder inside of MoI's main installation folder.

Let me know if you are using v2 instead of the v3 beta, on v2 it's a slightly different file that needs to be updated.

- Michael

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