paralell spline btw two

 From:  andras
Hello guys,

currently I am looking for a sollution to devide my two splines I mean I would like to construct a middle spline btw the two black spline. Res is just freehand. I tried webline script but that was not successful. Do you have any idea how to do it?
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 From:  bemfarmer
5189.2 In reply to 5189.1 
Midpoints of lots of mostly perpendicular line segments?

The must be an algorithm out there?
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5189.3 In reply to 5189.1 
Hi Andras!

So you have two curves (either closed or open paths), and you want a version that is a "mix" or approximation between the original curves.
In a 2D vector program like CorelDRAW, they call this feature a "Blend".

Do this and you should be happy.

1) Center each curve shape in a 2D ortho view.
2) Go to another 2D view where they look like flat lines and move one of the curves away from the other.
3) Loft the two together until you have a new 3D lofted shape.
4) Draw a straight line across the loft shape that best approximates what you need. (halfway?, angled?)
5) Use Project to cast that line across the lofted shape.

Now you have a new curve that is an amalgam of the two original curves.

I hope this helps.
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5189.4 In reply to 5189.1 
i used a 3p-line sweep..

i'm not really sure, how the Sweep algo deals with both the centerpoint and the, that solution might be no that accurate..

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Wow Marco!
I like that... so many solutions. :-)

Moi does not need too many plug-ins and new features... all you need is some creative knowledge!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems LineWeb can maybe makes something ;) (the inbetweener curves can be Lines, Polylines, Curves & points

EDITED: 14 Jun 2012 by PILOU

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