
 From:  Lang (LANGLEY)

I've been trying to blend a square object to a cylinder object and it says calculating but won't produce the final effect. I'm using the beta mac version and don't know if this is a bug thing or am I doing something else wrong?

I also use C4D but have found MoI excellent for modelling but its like starting all over again.

I've attached the file. I've also attached a file that I made that is the sort of thing that I am trying to achieve by blending. My problem here is the fact that I can't fillet the edges on the angle leading up to the cylinder shape at the top of the bottle so any help with this would also be appreciated.

Cheers for any help guys.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5181.2 In reply to 5181.1 
One possibility for the first file
Blend don't works because it's Circle / rectangle : Circle must be trimed!

Another solution for the first file
Kill base face cylinder
Kill face top box
Select edges top box: join them
Select circle base Cylinder

Another solution for the first file

With Network but you must cut the base edge cylinder in 4 parts

Kill base face cylinder
Kill face top box
Turn 45° Cylinder
Draw 4 lines edges from top box angle to circle base cylinder (Array Circular *4 )
Cut the base cylinder in 4 parts by these 4 lines
Network one by one (or just make one and Array Circular *4)

EDITED: 10 Jun 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
5181.3 In reply to 5181.1 
See if this helps:
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 From:  BurrMan
5181.4 In reply to 5181.3 
Here's one more with your file.

There are a few outcomes to get. It depends on what you are trying to create. (More cylinder, less square. More square, less cylinder...)
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 From:  bemfarmer
Here is the prior post on this:

I believe the following is (mostly) correct.
Blend currently works with only two items at a time
With regard to the cylinder, Blend works with the edges, not the curves which may lay on top of the edges, so hide or delete the curves.
Mousing over the unselected cylinder, highlights (some) edges.
Select the cylinder after the curves have been deleted, then mouse over the edge to be selected.
Also need to delete any top or bottom face, or often its edge will be selected, not the edge of the cylinder.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

Here's the way I tried it:

1) Create at Square with rounded corners and your circle.
2) Enter the "Rebuild" command to re-create you rounded square to become one path.
3) Extrude the circle and square
4) Blend between the two surface edges.

Since each edge will be composed of one curve, Blend should tangent the surfaces nicely.

One of the many ways you can attack the problem with MoI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5181.7 In reply to 5181.1 
Hi Lang, looks like you got a lot of various feedback here with some things to try, please let me know if you are still stuck with this.

- Michael
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 From:  Lang (LANGLEY)
Fantastic response guys. And thank you Michael. I'll be giving these ideas a go later and will let you know how it goes, thanks again.
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