Triangular Pyramid with rounded ends.

 From:  bemfarmer
Made a triangular pyramid.
Used nested G2 blends of half arcs.
The tiny center curved red triangle is with network which may be a bit distorted.
Is there an easier way?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5161.2 In reply to 5161.1 
Hi Brian, you might try something more like - draw in a profile curve:

Revolve that with "Cap ends" off to make a rounded surface like this:

Select the pyramid and use Boolean difference with that revolved surface as the cutting object - that will chop off the point of the pyramid which you can delete:

Now the rounded surface is imprinted into the tip and to make it be connected smoothly to the side faces select the top face:

And then use Construct > Fillet to make smooth connection pieces:

So basically try to more directly model the rounded tip shape and let it be initially sharp where it hits the pyramid, then use filleting to smooth it.

- Michael

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 From:  bemfarmer
5161.3 In reply to 5161.2 
Thank you Michael.
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