Microsoft jscript error
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
I have downloaded the MoI V2 and am trying to use a Hotkey (Alt+I) to run the "Import Point File" command macro from Petr's MoI site.

When I use the shortcut key, I get the error message that I have a, "Microsoft JScript runtime error:Object doesn't support this property or method line0 column 0:"
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Also, in the help files on scripts, if we wish to use some of the provided macros, we are instructed to copy the whole command into the "Command Definition Box" of the shortcut key dialogue box but when I'm in the dialogue box, I don't find any provision to paste the text. What is with that?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.2 In reply to 5145.1 
Hi Rod - that script uses a mechanism in Windows called the FileSystemObject which is part of the operating system's script runtime.

It appears that on your system that script runtime component is not working properly - maybe your system registry has become damaged slightly or something messing up that particular piece of the system.

You might try opening up a command prompt, then go to your c:\windows\system directory and run this command:

regsvr32 scrrun.dll

That will put the script runtime's information into the system registry and might repair whatever got messed up there.

It could also be possible that some kind of anti-virus or anti-spyware type system is disabling the script runtime from working as well, if you are running an anti-virus program try disabling it temporarily to see if that was the problem.

> but when I'm in the dialogue box, I don't find any provision to
> paste the text. What is with that?

There's just a regular text field there - just click on the area under the "Command" column and then you'll have a text caret blinking there, you can then use regular text-editing shortcuts like ctrl+v to paste it. Also if you right click on the field the system text edit menu will pop up and there is a paste on that menu.

Hope this helps!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.3 In reply to 5145.1 
Also if you're using MoI version 2, make sure you're using the "update 2" version of that command which is this one:

The original one won't work on Windows Vista or Windows 7, and the last one mentioned only works on the OSX version of MoI, so if you're using either one of those that could be the problem.

- Michael
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.4 In reply to 5145.3 
Thanks Michael,

This is a great and very quick response to my query. I have been cleaning a lot of file off of my hard drive lately, maybe I screwed something up. I'll check it out!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.5 In reply to 5145.4 
Hi rod, do you mean you've been deleting Windows system components as well, not just your own installed programs?

If you happened to delete either jscript.dll or the scrrun.dll which are normally present on a regular Windows install then that would definitely break MoI v2. You might try re-installing Internet Explorer to get those files back. If you're on XP you can also try this download here:

In MoI v3 I've changed the script engine that is used so that it does not depend on the system script engine anymore and instead has one built in to MoI's own directory so MoI v3 will be more resistant to damaged Windows installations than v2.

- Michael
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.6 In reply to 5145.5 
Hi Michael,

I opened DOS and ran "regsvr32 scrrun.dll" and it said it was successful and I tried the download from here:, but It told me that my version was newer and I didn't need to install this one and I checked to see and the jscript.dll file is still there in my windows system32 folder.

But I am still getting the Microsoft JScript runtime error.

Just to clarify, I have been removing programs from my hard drive but I have not intentionally removed any system files but that said, often as not when I do an uninstall, I will get a warning that removing some component may affect other programs or systems and I'm never entirely sure what that means and whether or not it will remove or corrupt things like system files but so far it looks like (since the fixes you suggested seem to work) my system is O.K.

I am running XP Pro 32 on an HP dualcore P4 64 bit machine. I loaded MOI V2 and the Import Point File from here:

I sure would like to get this to work. I've looked at a lot of CAD and rendering programs like ProE, AutoCAD Inventor, Alibra, ViaCAD and a few more but I have to say that if I can get MOI to work, for me, it may be the best choice.

Here's hopin'.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.7 In reply to 5145.6 
Hi rod, the only thing I can really tell you is that it's still likely to be something messed up in your system registry that is preventing that particular system script component to not work correctly.

You might try doing a reset of Internet Explorer settings - there's a reset button under the system Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced tab as shown in this blog post:

Also if you are on an earlier Internet Explorer version like IE6 or IE7 you might try installing IE8 and see if that gets the script component stuff installed correctly.

I'm not sure if you mentioned if you are running anti-virus or not, but if you are try disabling it temporarily as it could possibly be interfering with the script operation as well.

If you were to re-install windows from scratch that would probably also get you fixed up.

Otherwise, this is fixed up for the next beta release of v3 which like I mentioned before does not use the system jscript.dll anymore, for the next v3 beta I've also added in a script interface directly into MoI for reading text files so it won't need to use that system FileSystemObject thing anymore after that.

Also is it possible for you to get your points into 3DM format instead of as a text file? If so then you can bring in your points that way instead of using the text file importer.

- Michael
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.8 In reply to 5145.7 
Hi Michael, I'm using IE8, I did the reset and my firewall and virus programs were turned off but I'm still getting the jscript error. My computer came with an OEM version of XP so I don't have an installation disk and can't reload XP. The data files come from an airfoil database and don't come in a 3DM format so I guess I'm hooped.

Thanks for all your effort!

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 From:  BurrMan
5145.9 In reply to 5145.8 
Notepad++ by any chance???
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.10 In reply to 5145.8 
Hi Cecil, if there are just a few specific files that you're trying to convert, if you post them here as a file attachment I will convert them to 3DM format for you and post back the 3DM file which you can then load.

- Michael
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.11 In reply to 5145.9 
Hello BurrMan, What is this "Notepad++"? Is it any different than just plane "Notepad" and if so, how does that help?
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.12 In reply to 5145.10 
Thanks MIchael, that will work for now and maybe when V3 is up and running, this problem will go away. I would prefer as I'm sure you would, that I be able to do it on my own.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.13 In reply to 5145.12 
Hi Cecil, attached here are those 2 particular files converted for you.

Another way that might work for getting them converted for you could be to use the Rhino evaluation version ( to load the point text file in and then save to 3DM from there.

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
5145.14 In reply to 5145.11 
"""""""Is it any different than just plane "Notepad" and if so, how does that help?""""""""""

Yes, and it doesnt. It was something I experienced awhile back.. It was just a swat in the dark. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.15 In reply to 5145.14 
re: notepad++ - I think it messed up the file assocation with .js files or something like that right Burr?

So that was just another possible way that your system registry could get a bit messed up with regard to script stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5145.16 In reply to 5145.15 
""""""""""re: notepad++ - I think it messed up the file assocation with .js files or something like that right Burr?"""""""""

Actually, it hooked into the execution of them somehow, and threw an error anytime I ran a command from the entry field.. Never figured out exactly WHAT it was, but would get errors for no other reason... You were trying to help me figure out what was up. It could be a hundred things.
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.17 In reply to 5145.16 
Thanks Michael and BurrMan, between the Rhino and the files you sent, I should be on my way to giving this a try.
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.18 In reply to 5145.13 
Hi Michael, I installed Rhino but I can't seem to find a way to open a Word document inside Rhino. Do I have to convert it to some other format first, so Rhino will recognize it?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5145.19 In reply to 5145.18 
Hi Cecil yes you'll need to convert it to a "plain text" file format that only contains simple text content rather than all the structured word processing type content (that includes stuff like font styles, bold/italic, etc...) which the .doc file has.

From Word do a "Save As" and as the file type scroll down and pick "plain text", and let it have the default .txt file extension for plain text files.

Then in Rhino the file type is called something like a "Points file" for reading that in.

- Michael
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 From:  rod (CECKEH)
5145.20 In reply to 5145.19 
Thanks for all your help Michael! I finally got things up and running. FYI, I discovered that MoI couldn't see the point file when it was saved in Rhino V4 but when I saved it again in Rhino V2 it worked fine.

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