how to bevel this object?

 From:  mike (MIOHN)

I want to get a bevel on all hard edges
around that nut.

I know, that the problem is the area where the egdes
are touching. But how can I fix this?

(Model is from 3D Content Central)

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 From:  blowlamp
5139.2 In reply to 5139.1 
Hi Mike.

I don't own a copy of MoI (just the demo for now), but this video should work the same for you with MoI.

Hope it helps.


EDITED: 18 May 2012 by BLOWLAMP

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5139.3 In reply to 5139.1 
Hi Mike, is it possible for you to post the model?

The way those beveled surfaces just come together and touch at a single sharp point is probably difficult for the filleter to handle, the fillets there are going to kind of evaporate away as they approach the sharp place there.

You could try setting up some large cone object around the outside of the nut and doing a boolean intersection on it to carve away a little bit more material to make the beveled regions actually connected with one another instead of touching at a single point - that would probably then make things easier on the filleter.

If you're able to post the model file I would be able to more easily show you what I mean by that.

- Michael
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 From:  shayno
Thats an easy one

(not as easy as I thought )
Opps my misunderstanding
How about you take off more of the initial bevel so the arcs are away from the top circle, chamfer the arcs and lower vertical lines then revolve a top cut and remove see last attachment

revolve the cut line with no end cap , then boolean difference away


EDITED: 20 May 2012 by SHAYNO

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 From:  BurrMan
5139.5 In reply to 5139.4 
Hi Shayne,
Looks like he wants to fillet those hard edges left over from the sample you posted......
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