Corner Point Selection

Hi all,

Wondering if there is already in existence or what the difficultly level would be to create a "select all corner points" hot-key script?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5138.2 In reply to 5138.1 
Hi AW - right now information about the edit points or even a method to select them are not exposed to script so it's not really possible to make a script that only selects corner points right now, sorry. I will have to add some more stuff into the script interface to make that possible, I've added that to my list of stuff to work on.

- Michael
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5138.3 In reply to 5138.2 
No problem, was hoping maybe I could streamline some editing of imported 2D geometry...was actually thinking if I could select all corner points then invert the selection -- I'd save a few hours of editing (really bad geometry import from the client).

Back to forum lurking mode!!!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5138.4 In reply to 5138.3 
Hi AW - depending on what kind of editing you want to do you might be able to get somewhere by using the Rebuild command on those curves:

That will reconstruct a curve by sampling points along the existing curve and then building a new curve through those sampled points.

- Michael
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