Error while working with imported STEP

 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
I'm getting a weird error while using the newest 3.0 Beta to work on imported STEP objects. Anyone have such an error?

TypeError: Result of expression 'moi.geometryDatabase' [undefined] is not an object.

save.js line 3

1: //config: norepeat

It's not allowing me to save since this just comes up every time I try to. It seems this started to occur after having placed some of the shapes of the imported machine into a style.
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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
5134.2 In reply to 5134.1 
Seems to have been a memory or such error. The imported data is pretty large (300+ Meg STEP file). I was able to save by force quiting the program and then saving when prompted. As far as I know, Moi is not yet 64-Bit? Maybe more memory would help in such situations?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5134.3 In reply to 5134.1 
Hi Tree, yeah that's quite a large file so you're probably running out of memory and having various things fail due to that.

The easiest thing to try is to adjust the "Mesh angle" settings under Options > View as described here:

Setting the "Mesh angle" to a rougher angle like 25 degrees and unchecking "Add detail to inflections" will make for a somewhat rougher looking display but also lighten up the density of the display meshes and that can help reduce memory consumption by quite a bit on more complex models.

If that doesn't help solve it for you, you may need to export the STEP file from where you are creating it in multiple chunks (like half the model in one piece, and half in another piece) rather than all in one single giant file.

- Michael
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