MoI OBJ Import into KeyShot

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
This is not a MoI issue, but I was having trouble importing OBJ files from MoI and other sources into KeyShot ver 3.1. Some of the parts were not showing up in the scene tree, even though they all had unique MoI styles (material assignments). Other parts were assigned the same material upon import, even though they are unique.

The solution is to open the Keyshot Import Dialog > Advanced Tab:

Check: Keep Individual Parts

Select Group by: Objects

After import, go to the Scene Tree, click on the highest level object (i.e. the name of your model) and right-mouse-click: Unlink Material

I've never had to do these steps before, so something changed in their import process.

Anyway, wanted to post this in case other KeyShot users search here on this issue.

Also, when exporting OBJ to KeyShot from MoI, use Quads & Triangles.

Ed Ferguson

EDITED: 14 May 2012 by EDDYF

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5132.2 In reply to 5132.1 
Hi Ed, well I'm glad that there is a solution at least and thanks for posting the information for others to use as well!

Is it possible for you to create some simple OBJ file that reproduces the problem like something with just a couple of boxes with different materials on them? If so if you could send that in to KeyShot support to show them the difference in behavior from this version to their previous version maybe that will help them track down what has changed and fix it up to behave like it used to.

- Michael
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
5132.3 In reply to 5132.2 
Yeah - I'll send them a sample file in a few days after their new update comes out. I never had to play with OBJ import settings in the past.

I made a simple cube with an intersecting cylinder in MoI as a test case (thinking it may be an issue with intersecting geometry), but that came in fine. Maybe an issue with more complex models.

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 From:  BurrMan
5132.4 In reply to 5132.3 
You could try Names also and see what that does... These systems are trying to be more robust with handeling the grouping. They may have switched your previous experience to named objects, to change their material handeling system internally. I dont know alot about it, so that may sound silly to you. Just a thought.
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