Edge Selection Toggle

 From:  yakas
Hi All,
If anyone has used Revit before you know that you can select a line, edge or curve, then hit "tab" to select all connected lines, edges or curves. Is there a similar capability in Moi

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 From:  bemfarmer
5118.2 In reply to 5118.1 
There is an interesting loup select script:

There are still moi commands that I am learning...
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
The Loop command is worth a try, but it still leaves much to be desired.
I wish it was more "steerable", and not completely reliant on all connecting curves being on the same plane.
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 From:  yakas
Thanks I will try it out
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 From:  yakas
5118.5 In reply to 5118.4 
In reading other threads, Michael mentioned that this is built into V2. He says you need to make a keyboard shortcut for loop selection. How do you do this?

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 From:  bemfarmer
5118.6 In reply to 5118.5 
At the bottom of the Moi screen, select "options", then "shortcut keys", then the "Add" button, then type in an unused Key combination,
(for example "ALT+L"), then type in the script in the "Command" box.

I'd like to get my shortcuts organized some day...


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 From:  yakas
5118.7 In reply to 5118.6 
thanks, after trying out for a little while it seems to select edges connected to a surface and not the edges on the same plane. Any thoughts
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5118.8 In reply to 5118.7 
Hi yakas,

> thanks, after trying out for a little while it seems to
> select edges connected to a surface and not the edges
> on the same plane. Any thoughts

You mean the "select loop" script that was posted about previously?

That script works by selecting all the edges along one trimming boundary, so yes it will select a loop of edges that belongs to one particular surface.

There is some more description of how it works here:

If you want to do some other kind of selection like select all edges on the same plane, that script will not do that particular task, unless they all belong to one single face.

Usually for selecting all things on one particular plane you just go to a side view and do a window select of the particular area you want to target - when you are viewing from the side it makes it easier to capture a specific planar level of curves within one selection window.

Do you have some particular situation where you're having a problem selecting things? If so can you please post the 3DM model file for it so I could take a look at your actual file, that may help me to give more specific advice.

- Michael
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 From:  yakas
5118.9 In reply to 5118.8 
No I am not having any troubles, just looking for ways to make things a bit more efficient. Your side view suggestion would work great. I was looking for functions similar to revit that let you toggle between loops on different planes that the same edge. I will try the other scripts too! Thanks
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5118.10 In reply to 5118.9 
Hi yakas,

> I was looking for functions similar to revit that let you toggle
> between loops on different planes that the same edge.

There's nothing 100% exactly the same as that, but some of these other tools like select loop could be handy in particular situations.

Also one other note for window select - normally you do window select by clicking on an empty area and then dragging the mouse. But if your screen is totally full of stuff like if you're zoomed in a ways then there may not be any blank area to start the window on, in which case you can instead hold down shift+ctrl when you click down - that forces window selection to engage no matter where you click even if it's not on an empty area.

Sometimes if you're working in the 3D view it's enough to just tilt your view in such a way that you can capture a planar slice in a window without actually needing to go to the side view.

Also when you do window select there are 2 different modes for it, depending on whether you drag it from left-to-right or from right-to-left, with left to right it only captures things completely inside of the window while right-to-left captures anything that even partially touches the window.

See here for some other selection window tips and some demo videos:


Also one of the new things in V3 is a "selection filter" that you can set on the scene browser to limit selection to only target a certain class of objects (like only objects with a certain name, of a certain type like only curves and not solids, or only objects of a certain style, etc...). You activate that by doing a ctrl+click on the selection dot on the right-hand side of a scene browser item. Some more info on that here:

Hope that gives you some more ideas on some of the different selection tools that are available.

- Michael
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 From:  yakas
5118.11 In reply to 5118.10 
those are great tools
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