The new OSX version

 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
Thanks Michael, after a few non starts it seems to be behaving nicely ;) so far all is well it keeps the window size on restart as promised, peppier as well as a clean window switch. When you get a moment please post a Script Copier, Thanks again. Cheers
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.2 In reply to 5115.1 
Hi phlatt5th, sounds good - I think the fix for the startup crash should trickle down in not too long.

re: script copier - I don't really have anything set up for a Mac script copier version. But all the script copier utility does is simply copy files from one folder to another, you can just use the OSX Finder to do the exact same job.

Go to your old beta where you have the scripts installed, and right-click on the app and choose "Show package contents", and inside there go to drive_c/moi/commands .

Do the same thing on new beta so you have 2 finder windows open to each of those directories. Then on the old one, do a Cmd+A to select all and just drag all those commands over to the new beta's commands directory, answer "no" to overwrite stuff and then all your extra installed plug-ins will be copied over into the new version.

- Michael


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.3 In reply to 5115.1 
> so far all is well it keeps the window size
> on restart as promised

Oh yeah this is another fix that I forgot to mention in the release notes - in the previous version if you zoomed the window to its max size and then closed MoI it would not remember that position on next launch but that should work now.

- Michael
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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
5115.4 In reply to 5115.2 
That works, made a note of it. Thanks again for making modeling fun on both platforms. Cheers
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 From:  jtucker
5115.5 In reply to 5115.4 
What happened to the OSX beta download? The file shows the old Jan 31 version.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.6 In reply to 5115.5 
Hi jtucker,

> What happened to the OSX beta download? The file
> shows the old Jan 31 version.

It's probably your web browser showing a cached old version of that web page.

Try pushing F5 or using the "refresh" or "reload" button on your browser and you should probably get the actual current version of the page.

- Michael
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 From:  Paul (CLOUDRIDER)
Bug Report.

Not sure this has already been reported Michael, but when you are editing style in the Mac version and you select a "crayon" color and do not close the crayon menu and try and type the name of your new style, it doubles your letters. This does not happen if you close the crayon select menu.

Not a major bug for sure, but a slightly odd one.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.8 In reply to 5115.7 
Hi Paul, thanks for reporting that - that color picker dialog is supposed to actually supposed to be "modal", meaning the edit style dialog should be disabled until you finish picking the color but that's not working properly. I should be able to fix that up pretty easily though, thanks for reporting the bug!

- Michael
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 From:  nonius
5115.9 In reply to 5115.8 

Your latest osx beta has version 2.5 to it, instead of the previous 3. There a reason for this? did you leave out some features?
just curious.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.10 In reply to 5115.9 
Hi sven, no there haven't been any features left out, it's the same modeling features as the previous v3 beta, just with various OSX-specific stuff refined.

The difference from the previous v3 labeled version is the release schedule - rather than waiting to release a final OSX version until the entire v3 beta process is complete which will be quite a while yet, I decided to finish up an OSX release with the current v3 beta feature set and call it version 2.5 .

Otherwise if I just released it as a regular v3 beta it was kind of a weird situation because normally betas are only open to existing customers, but the only previous versions have all been Windows versions so it was weird for someone to need to purchase the v2 Windows version in order to have access to use the OSX beta. That situation was the case with the first OSX beta but due to feedback about that I switched plans to have a nearer term 2.5 release instead and also to make the betas for the 2.5 release to be open to anyone.

- Michael
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