There is a new Mac OSX beta build available here:
This is a public beta release and does not require a license key. This beta expires on Aug-22-2012 .
Updated stuff:
- Faster start up and faster shutdown.
- Added Quit menu item to top menu and also Cmd+Q for quitting works now.
- Support for 3Dconnexion / Space Navigator type devices now working.
- Flicker when switching view modes (like from split view to maximized 3D view, etc.. using the tab control in the bottom toolbar) should be eliminated now.
- Screen redraw when resizing the main window should not be quite so gross now.
- Fixed drag/drop behavior, previously only the first drop onto the app icon would work and further drops would be ignored and also dropping other file types than 3DM like IGES files for example would not work. This should all be fixed now.
- Uses OSX native color picker for setting color values.
- Copy/Paste of geometry to and from Rhino OSX version now supported - both MoI and Rhino must be running at the same time for this to work.
- Fixed a bug where accented characters in file paths would prevent files from being read when system locale was set to some specific locations like Guatemala.
- Fixed a bug where a dialog box would occasionally pop up when interrupting some kinds of calculations, like when adjusting sliders in the Blend command.
- Zoomed window size now remembered for next launch - in the previous version if you closed MoI with the window zoomed to max size, it would not remember that size on next launch but that should be fixed now.
Known bugs in this release:
- There is one major new bug introduced which is an occasional crash or lockup just immediately at application launch time. I've been able to track this down to a bug in one of the support libraries and it's just recently been fixed upstream so I'm expecting the fix to trickle down into the particular stuff that MoI uses pretty soon. In the meantime if you see a crash or lockup just immediately at launch just ignore that and relaunch.
Remaining stuff that I'm still working on:
- ReadPointsFromFile and WritePointsToFile scripts do not work - As far as I know these are the only 2 scripts that do not work on the OSX version and I will be adding some new script methods to make those work. I think once that happens the OSX version will hit 100% feature parity with the Windows version.
- Cmd+V / Cmd+C does not work for copy/pasting text into text fields, but using the Ctrl key does work. I will be fixing this up.
- Finish the current Deform commands, add icons for Twist and Flow.
Those 3 things and getting a fix for the sporadic startup crash are the only things remaining on my list of stuff for wrapping up the OSX 2.5 release. Please let me know if I'm missing anything or if you see any other problems than those.
- Michael