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 From:  sg (SVEGARS)

This software looks great also for beginners or....?

Is there any form of basic tutorials or training for beginners... ?
How to start to make 3d models.....
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
510.2 In reply to 510.1 
Perfect for beginners!.
Take a look at this page

Tut Video a clock Alarm (wait the loading)

architecture A monastery

And this one :)
Download and unzip, and load the html file on your favorite navigator :)
how use an image for reference

or this other one :)
how move points over an image
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 29 Mar 2007 by PILOU

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510.3 In reply to 510.1 
Yes, I think this program is great for beginners. If you are into drawing or vector art it is even easier. There are not many tutorials because it is still a young application, but Steph3D has some good ones and I am making one for some friends that I will post soon.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.4 In reply to 510.1 
A couple other tutorials:

Japanese bathtub tutorial:

Object repair tutorial:

Is there a particular type of model that you would like to create? If you are having difficulty getting started, if you post a sketch or image of the type of thing that you want to create, I could probably help you get started...

A lot of times the usual method for starting is to draw curves that give a kind of outline of your model, and then use the construction tools to create surfaces from those curves.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
510.5 In reply to 510.4 
HI Michael,

The new scaling rail option in Sweep is very cool!
It opens up some new possibilities for designing signet rings.


EDITED: 31 Mar 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Added to the Special Thread Gallery :)
Funny tut !

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 30 Mar 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.7 In reply to 510.5 
Very cool construction there Jesse, I'm glad you're finding good uses for these new options! The end result looks great!

I was messing around with a couple of your steps, and it looks like in some stages the rails have been doubled. I mean if you run separate on one rail you can pull apart 2 different overlapped pieces, they kind of fold back on themselves.

I should see if I can detect this type of thing in Join to avoid making that.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
510.8 In reply to 510.7 

Hi Michael,


I adapted a technique that I'd usually use with a network surface in Rhino.
The Scaling Rail is very flexible because with history on, by editing control
points on the scaling rail, you can change the side profile of the ring after the circle is extruded, rather than having to undo and edit the curve without the cylinder there as a visual reference. And by scaling the control points of the top oval, the top face of the ring will change dynamically as well. I was able to make the top round by scaling the cp's 1D

I'll try to write a tutorial to go with it soon, but if anyone has any questions,
please feel free to ask. The trick to getting the base of the ring to be
smooth is the addition of little circle at the bottom.
Without it, the base gets angular where the curves come to a singularity.

Also, I've noticed that if you try to boolean the surfaces that are out
in space, it can get all messed up, so bring the curves to the origin if you'd like to work with them.


EDITED: 31 Mar 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.9 In reply to 510.8 
Hi Jesse, I was experimenting a bit with network surface in Rhino to see the differences.

One thing I noticed was that the network surface will often have isoparms that flex and bend around, especially as they approach the singularity. On the other hand in this case the sweep generates completely planar isoparms throughout, in some ways this is a bit more predictable in how the surface is constructed.

The other thing is that you don't have to make the scaling rail actually touch all the profiles, profiles will stretch up to match the scaling rail even if you pull it away from the original profiles. So in a sense the rail has more "weight" assigned to it. Network is not like this, everything is more equally weighted there and pulling the "rail" out doesn't cause the surface to hug right against it.

The other thing that is interesting is the implicit symmetry from the center line that you get with the scaling rail - with network surface you have to go through some extra effort to get symmetry edits.

It seems like there may be some reasons to prefer the sweep + scaling rail for some symmetrical shapes rather than network.

At any rate, it certainly looks like the scaling rail boosts up the potential of sweep by quite a bit.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
510.10 In reply to 510.9 
>>At any rate, it certainly looks like the scaling rail boosts up the potential of sweep by quite a bit.<<

I completely agree, I was amazed that it did so much with a relatively sparse amount of curve geometry.

With a network surface, if you only used one side rail it would get all whacked out...the reason I mirrored
the scaling rail was to be able to make the curve's end at the base tangent to the other side, so that
the implicit symmetry of the sweep created a smooth juncture at the point of singularity

I know I'll be experimenting to find other ways to take advantage of this tool's versatility... thanks for being a NURB's genius! :-)


EDITED: 31 Mar 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.11 In reply to 510.10 
Here is an idea I was playing with - plain 2 rail sweep on the left, then addition of scaling rail on the right.

One interesting property here is that each isoparm of the resulting surface is an exact ellipse. It would normally be quite difficult to arrange a sequence of analytic curves like an ellipse to get a smooth result like this.

Just 4 defining curves...

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.12 In reply to 510.11 
Another experiment - this time a wavy pattern is introduced by editing the scaling curve. Still defined by just 4 curves:

- Michael

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 From:  Jesse
510.13 In reply to 510.12 
Hi Michael,

I was working with a similar idea yesterday...:-)
You can get some interesting variations depending on the shape of the scale rail
and where it's placed.

I noticed something that I thought you should know about...
it could be a bug or just the way sweeps work with the scaling rail,
but it could be an issue if you wanted to put more than one profile on a ring.
which is often the case when designing for actual production.
It works great if the profile curve isn't touching the drive rail.
If it touches the quad point, it sweeps only half the circle with the scaling rail.

I don't have the last beta to make a comparison, but it seems like
with the addition of the scaling rail option, sweeps take longer,
even if you're doing a regular sweep without the scaling rail.
Am I only imagining this?


EDITED: 1 Apr 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.14 In reply to 510.13 
Hi Jesse, that looks like another interesting result from a very low number of defining curves.

> If it touches the quad point, it sweeps only half the circle with the scaling rail.

Can you please e-mail the bad one to me? I'll see if I can fix this up.

What is happening is that when you have the profile off to the side, MoI uses the "auto place" mode, where it places the profile for you sort of centered around the rail. MoI does this automatic placement thing any time you have a a planar profile curve that is located outside the bounding box of the rail.

As soon as you move it to the quad point, it is no longer completely outside the bounding box of the rail, so MoI does not mess with the location of the profile in this case, it uses it from where it currently is located.

Then I think the issue is the scaling rail not working right when the profile has a straight vertical line coincident with the line between the spine rail and the scaling rail.

The auto-place works because the line connecting the spine rail and scaling rail ends up intersecting the profile through the middle of the profile in that case instead of grazing along the flat side. If that makes sense...

Re: sweeps slower

They probably are a bit slower now because they now use the cancelation mechanism. There is some overhead to using the thing that allows for canceling stuff in mid-calculation. But the benefit is that you don't have the danger of possibly getting stuck unable to do anything else if you are in a long calculation.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
510.15 In reply to 510.14 
Hi Michael,

I'll email you the's something interesting, by tipping the scale rail at
an angle, it will taper the ring, while conforming to the shape of the other curves.
This design isn't the best application of the technique,
but I can definitely think of some that are.. :-)


EDITED: 1 Apr 2007 by JESSE


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 From:  Jesse
510.16 In reply to 510.15 
Scaling rail ring.


EDITED: 1 Apr 2007 by JESSE


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Very pretty!
Does a "generic transformer tool" like "bend, fold" can be imagined in Moi?
(for this image for example)
Some forms can yet be made by the "Scale Tool" but it's not very easy, some pass with some different axes are necessary :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 1 Apr 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.18 In reply to 510.16 
Hi Jesse - wow, very nice result!

So let's see - is that a one-rail sweep + scaling rail?

How would you have done this without the scaling rail? I guess maybe NetworkSrf with 4 curves in each direction, or it looks like 2 rail sweep with 2 wavy rails.

I suppose if you have a one-rail sweep where the central spine rail is on the mirroring plane of the object, then a one-rail sweep + scaling rail is actually equivalent to a 2-rail sweep between mirrored rails.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
510.19 In reply to 510.17 
> Does a "generic transformer tool" like "bend, fold" can be imagined in Moi?

Hi Pilou, unfortunately these are quite difficult to do on solids.

It is difficult to bend the solid in an accurate way so that the different surfaces that make up the solid are still connected together properly at the end, with no gaps between what are supposed to be shared edges.

So this won't be possible to do in MoI for quite a while. Rhino V4 has some cool new tools to do this stuff, and it is easy to share data between MoI and Rhino so for a while you will need to use Rhino along side of MoI to do these kinds of operations.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
510.20 In reply to 510.19 
<won't be possible ...
So imagination must replace it (for the purists) :)
In general there are always many ways for make something :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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