Meshing wish suggestion

 From:  adamio
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5099.2 In reply to 5099.1 
Hi adam - I don't really follow what the wish is about - is there any one particular specific meshing function from that video that you are focused on for your suggestion?

- Michael
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 From:  adamio
5099.3 In reply to 5099.2 
Oh boy you are quick :) Sorry I did post before I manage to to finish typing.

If you watch on about 1:25 after you have mesh your model you have the ability to reselect surfaces perhaps isocurves for remesh purposes . That would be great since you could constrain the polyflow this way (?)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5099.4 In reply to 5099.3 
Hi adam, the problem with stuff like that is that in order to do that requires adding quite a lot of UI mechanisms to control all that stuff - it greatly increases complexity of the UI.

That app that you are showing there is a really complex super expensive app that has the entire app 100% dedicated to mesh construction for advanced analysis work.

MoI is way more focused on having ease of use and a simple straightforward UI, and jamming in too many highly complex mechanisms can be a good way to ruin those kinds of qualities...

- Michael
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 From:  adamio
5099.5 In reply to 5099.4 
Point taken but I'm not asking for FEA capabilities just the abilyty to select couple isocurves so I the user decide the the poly direction.

similar consept from 3dcoat retopo


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5099.6 In reply to 5099.5 
Hi adam - actually meshing does already follow the isocurves of the surfaces being meshed.

The way meshing works is by first creating a quad mesh which is in the UV space of the surface - all the edges of those quads are on isocurves of each surface being meshed.

An isocurve has a particular meaning for a NURBS surface - it means a line of constant U or V in the surface's parameter space. Picking a line of some other orientation would no longer be an isocurve, isocurves are only either horizontal or vertical lines in UV space.

- Michael
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