Flow Help

 From:  Grendel
Can someone assist in explaining flow command using text...i have read the multiple threads and my application is the same as the tire lettering. It does not seem to follow any rhyme or reason and is rather frustrating when I see results in other threads and I cannot reproduce.

I have a plane and placed 3d text on it and would like the text placed in an arc. How is this accomplished?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5097.2 In reply to 5097.1 
Hi Grendel - if you want to bend something in an arc it's easier to use "curve to curve" flow where you draw in a base line curve instead of a base surface.

To do that, draw a line underneath your text, and draw in a separate arc curve somewhere off to the side, like this:

Select the objects you want to flow (the text) to start with, the base and target curves should not be selected yet. Then run the Flow command.

The first prompt will say: "Select base curve or surface" - for this step you want to select the line curve as the base curve, pick on it somewhat close to the start of it like over here:

The next prompt will say "Select target curve near matching end" - now select the arc curve, and click on it near the equivalent end as well, like this:

That will produce a result like this:

If you draw in a base plane instead then you will need to make a target surface and also when you use surface to surface flow you also need to pay attention to where you click on each surface since it will rotate or flip things to match the corners nearest to where you clicked on each surface.

If you just want to bend something around an arc though you should be able to use curve-to-curve flow as shown above which simplifies things somewhat.

Let me know if you are still having any problems.

- Michael

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 From:  bemfarmer
5097.3 In reply to 5097.1 
deleted, not relevant.

EDITED: 25 Apr 2012 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Grendel
Thanks....I'm ridiculous...I was using the 24 Aug 11 beta and it would not really work with my machine...downloaded the new beta and it worked like a charm....

thanks for the help and patience
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5097.5 In reply to 5097.4 
Hi Grendel, yeah there was a bug with curve-to-curve flow in one of the older betas.

Glad you have it done now!

- Michael
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