How do I start a 3D business?
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 From:  bigseb
5063.8 In reply to 5063.7 
>> What would really be nice, is if a modeler was also familiar with the follow up programs taking the drawing to machining (cut3D in my case). I know there are a bunch of follow up programs. But, if other customers are like me and need help with the first program to create the model, chances are they, like me, will also need help with the next program as well. Stating you are familiar and able to help with these other programs would be a plus. <<

This is a good point. I design predominantly for the injection/blow mould industry and have found that being a qualified toolmaker along with having years of CNC/CAM experience go a long way to helping clients through their projects. Toolmaking is the next step after design after all. Adding FEA to my services was done for the same reason. However the OP was asking about where start building a business. In the early stages it really is best to see the bigger picture before zoning in on specifics. Just my opinion... ymmv.
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 From:  Alexander (ALEXCAD)
Hi Shaun,

I am in a very similar position as you. I am a CAD Design draughtsman and have a day job currently as a draughtsman for a local building contractor. Yet I have been working freelance since 2007 and aiming to eventually go solo full time, its just taking longer than planned.
As mentioned the work really is feast or famine and personally I have not got enough clients to go on my own yet, also in the past 5 years the competition for CAD services etc has increased greatly, just google CAD services, CAD outsourcing and you will see.
One thing is I am not an artist, more of a design engineer so you may have a wider client base compared to me and the CAD work.
For me it is very frustrating at the moment, when the work is plentiful I'm working all the hours available and think is this the time, then the work just tails off.

I admire Sebastian and follow his work on the Alibre design forums, by providing that extra service following the design/CAD stages is a great advantage. My career started of as a CNC programmer so I am going to look into developing my skills further in order to provide a wider range of services, like Seb does.

I guess this is not helping your decision much but thought it would help you a bit.

Good luck.

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 From:  bigseb
>> As mentioned the work really is feast or famine and personally I have not got enough clients to go on my own yet, also in the past 5 years the competition for CAD services etc has increased greatly, just google CAD services, CAD outsourcing and you will see. <<

This is so true Alexander. And the reason for this is that the market is rather saturated, regardless of what country you live in. But there's hope in this... as a client of mine put very succinctly:

"There are about 2000 'CAD guys' in Cape Town but you can count on your two hands those that actually know what they are doing and are prepared to offer a professional service. The rest are a bunch of chancers that are holed up in their living rooms with a pirated copy of whatever."

I think his point was that if you want to be taken seriously then go the distance. Start a registered company, use legitimate software, keep proper records, get professionals to do your advertising, etc.

Interestingly, all the people I spoken to reckon the biggest put-off is a @gmail or @yahoo email address (as opposed to @companyname)...
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 From:  yakas
Perhaps try finding niche markets that previously you never thought of, for example Lawyers and scene recreation exhibits. Perhaps go to local hospitals or any business that has the public filing through its building and offer isometric building floorplans that designate emergency exits routes. If you give yourself a couple of small goals that might be overlooked by a very saturated talent pool you could in essence test the water. There are lots of people who don't need 3d art, but your new job is to convince them otherwise. Oh and one last thing, make friends with the parks and rec department head in your city, offer him/her some free renderings of the project concepts they often are required to create but don't have the budgets for. You can inform yourself of the projects they have ongoing by searching the city's webpage. It might lead to connections that pay off down the road.

Your new job will be modeling 1/2 the time while the other half is creating working relationships.

Good luck
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