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 From:  Roger (ROGER_WEGENER)
5056.12 In reply to 5056.11 
Ah - I see. Yes I do agree about the Linux driver world.

I haven't full documented the performance of Moi under wine on Linux - but it just doesn't *feel* as fast as under windows. I tried it on a dual boot machine (same hardware) and usually ended up going back to Windows. And when I am fully into a complex design I just want to work as fast as I can - so I don't actually do a lot of heavy duty design work in Linux. Perhaps all that shows is the amount of effort that has gone into the Windows O/S as opposed to Linux. Gotta give Microsoft credit for something ;-)

Actually the main problem for me is that I have too many devices to lug with me when I am on the road. I started with a Windows - laptop/notebook - but the lethargic W7 boot kills that as a true portable device. Then I went to Linux - boots quickly but doesn't run all the apps that I need and is still a big heavy laptop/notebook. Recently have been using an Android tablet. Functionality is perfect - instant on and size/weight suits me - but no real apps that I need. Plus it is a media *consumption* device as opposed to a media *creation* device.

So looks like I will stay with a Windows laptop/notebook for my apps - including Moi AND the Android tablet for email etc.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5056.13 In reply to 5056.12 
Hi Roger - if the sluggishness is something to do with the 3D display, stuff like pauses or hiccups when you move the mouse around inside of viewports then that's likely to be some problem with the video driver and that makes it fairly likely that a native Linux version would still suffer in the same way on your particular machine / video card / driver setup.

When the video driver misbehaves it's difficult to make things work well...

Video drivers are even more problematic than other kinds of drivers since video cards these days tend to be the most complex piece of hardware on the machine.

- Michael
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