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 From:  Michael Gibson
5030.14 In reply to 5030.13 
Hi Rich_Art, the one with your trick applied looks great! Isn't that the kind of look that you were talking about?

Did you mention before that the wireframe render is a script that someone wrote?

It may be possible that the script could be updated to take n-gons into account and hide the triangle edges that are not along the border of the n-gon, there is probably some information accessible in C4D that tells about that.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich_Art
5030.15 In reply to 5030.14 
Yeah this is more or less the look I'm after. I just forgot all about this work around. Which works great.Win7

I use the S&T (Sketch & Toon) from C4D for showing this kind of wire images. Works perfectly.
The plugin mentioned earlier is called wireshader from Paul everetts. This shader was developed before the S&T option came available in C4D. Paul does not update this plugin anymore so it is pointless to ask him to come up with a Ngon version..
And I don't know if this is possible with the current SDK from C4D.

But this topic got me somewhere and that is being able to show a decent wire with Mo3D models.

I hope to show you more Hardsurface models any time soon. Tanks for all the support and kind words.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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