Corner Points on Curves

 From:  TwinSnakes

Is there a way to "undo" the make corner point operation when using the "Add Point" tool? Or for that matter, toggle between "Corner Point" and "Non-Corner Point" when working with points on a curve.

I was laying down some curves and decided to soften a particular sharp edge I had made. So, I began to attempt a "Fillet". But, no matter WHAT I tried, it would not work. I then realized that it was a "corner" point. I added (2) intermediate points then deleted the corner points and everything was fine.

Any suggestions?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
502.2 In reply to 502.1 
There isn't currently a way to toggle an existing point between corner and non-corner. The way to do it right now is what you did - just delete the corner point and insert a new non-corner point or points.

Some day I'll try to figure out a way to have a toggle - this might become possible when there is kind of an "object properties" display that shows the properties for the currently selected object. In this case that panel would be a good place to show whether the selected point was corner or non-corner and let you change it there. But this panel won't exist until sometime in V2.

If you still have that curve that would not fillet as you expected, please post it here, maybe that was a bug in fillet.

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
502.3 In reply to 502.1 
Sometimes if I have a situation like that I'll trim out the uncooperative section with a circle and blend
the ends, effectively creating a fillet...or in the case of a meandering curve that doesn't flow exactly right,
a nice transition where there was something that previously that needed some improvement.

Blend works only on open curves, so this would only work if you're dealing
with open curves or closed curves that can be separated.


EDITED: 11 Apr 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
502.4 In reply to 502.3 
Hi Jesse - you should normally be able to use fillet to do those steps bundled up for you.

If you select a single curve with corners in it and run fillet, it will allow you to select corners to fillet.

You can even select the fillet shape to be a blend, and the next beta will also have a "bulge" slider that lets you tweak the shape of the blend.

That should effectively do what you show there. If you run into a situation where fillet doesn't work for this, then that would probably be a bug in fillet so please post any problems like that.

But of course it is always good to know the manual steps for things if the bundled up tool doesn't work for some reason...

- Michael
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 From:  Jesse
502.5 In reply to 502.4 
Hi Michael,

Thanks... I was thinking that Fillet is doing the same operations
bundled together behind the scenes ( more or less ) ;-)

The square wasn't a good example.
The 2nd situation that I mentioned is actually where I use trim and blend.
to fix the curvature of a line.
Some of the designs that I do have snaky flowing curves... I find it easier
to trim out sections that don't look quite right and use blend to make
a nice transitional curve, rather than editing the curve by moving control points around.
I trust "tangency" and "curvature" to draw a more aesthetically pleasing curve
than I can manage by hand.;-)


EDITED: 11 Apr 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
502.6 In reply to 502.5 
Hi Jesse, that makes sense. I can see him getting happier!

There have been a couple of curve blend tune-ups for the next beta - I think that the default blend should be a bit more evenly proportioned now for G2/G3.

- Michael
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 From:  TwinSnakes
502.7 In reply to 502.2 
Well, cant share the file.

But, it was basically, laying down a curve. Then offsetting the curve, then I use the line tool to connect the ends to close the curve. When I used the line tool, it created corner points by default I suppose.

When I then tried to soften those hard edges created by the line tool, I realized that they must be corner points, because they where so sharp, and the fact that Fillet didnt do anything to them.
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