Hi Clay,
> If you get time to add zebra stripes in, that would be very useful.
> It would be great to see a real-time renderer integrated at some
> point. Really useful for 'checking' the model as you're modeling,
> and for final visuals of course.
Yeah but actually being able to make the model you want is even more important than just checking it. MoI still needs attention in several surface construction areas like some tools for editing surfaces to have G2 continuity with each other.
So it would generally be kind of weird to put the priority on developing checking functions first instead of actually having modeling functions in place first that would produce the output that you then want to check.
The metallic lighting option that I mentioned above does a pretty good job of checking smoothness already actually - lines of shading in the reflection will be interrupted in that lighting mode in the same way that zebra lines get interrupted in a zebra display mode.
> Also, any intention to add a 'rotate view around selection' option
> (edges, faces, object etc.)?
Is that something that you're used to from a poly modeler?
It's kind of a weird option in a NURBS modeler because in NURBS modeling some edges and faces may be very large and can even span the entire extent of an object. It's not like in a poly modeler where your model is made up of little evenly sized diced up bits.
So because the overall structure of the objects are different things that work well in a poly modeling environment don't necessarily have an exact counterpoint in a NURBS modeling environment.
Just in general it is a good strategy and overall focus for NURBS modeling to have larger sized entities, especially having broad single surfaces for smooth areas.
- Michael