Pure virtual call crash?

 From:  paulrus
I was just making an array of objects and MOI (beta) immediately crashed with an error that said something about "Pure Virtual Call".

Is this a common crash?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4967.2 In reply to 4967.1 
Send the Crash Report to Michael ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4967.3 In reply to 4967.1 
Hi Paul, no that's not a common crash.

Like Pilou says, can you please send the crash report to me at moi@moi3d.com ? It will be a file named moi_report1.zip and it will be located either in the same folder as MoI.exe or in your temp folder.

That could help me track down the bug.

Were you possibly doing a particularly large sized array that ended up consuming all of your available system memory?

- Michael
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 From:  paulrus
4967.4 In reply to 4967.3 
I'll send it right away.

Actually I'm unable to make the array I want to make. It's a fairly simple object and I watched the task manager - MOI never took more than a few hundred megs of ram. But instead of that crash, MOI just disappears the moment I hit "Done" on the array tool.

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 From:  paulrus
4967.5 In reply to 4967.4 
Just tried to send it, and it's a 0k zip file, so Gmail won't let me.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4967.6 In reply to 4967.4 
Hi Paul, how large of an array are you trying to make?

Is it possible for you to send me the 3DM file as well so I can try to repeat the problem over here?

While you are in the middle of moving your mouse around and adjusting options in the array tools, MoI only draws a lightweight proxy object on the screen to give faster feedback. It's only when you are completing the array that the full object copies are being made. So if you are overloading things by making a large number of copies of a fairly complex object, then that's the point where you will run into problems with consuming all available memory.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4967.7 In reply to 4967.5 
Hi Paul,

> Just tried to send it, and it's a 0k zip file,
> so Gmail won't let me.

Most likely that means that you did run out of memory - it takes some amount of memory in order to generate the crash dump file.

Can you send me the 3DM file so that I can try to repeat the problem over here?

Can you also tell me what particular array tool you are using and what number of copies you are trying to make?

But if the problem is that you are running out of memory, then the solution is to not make so many copies to avoid that from happening.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4967.8 In reply to 4967.1 
Hi Paul, thanks for sending the file. Yeah you’re just running out of memory here – 100 copies is too many to make of a NURBS object unless it is a bit lighter than that – having the little fillets on the object like you’ve got in this case adds a lot to the object’s data size.

Doing the array in your rendering program instead is probably a better bet.

Also if you reduce the display mesh density in MoI to make it a bit rougher that can help to reduce memory consumption, see here for which settings to adjust for that:

- Michael
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