style question
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4902.2 In reply to 4902.1 
Hi Laurent, I'm glad that you're liking the beta!

re: glossy style - to get that look you will need to adjust some of the lighting settings, those are under Options > View > "Lighting options" (it's a button near the bottom).

There are a few different modes and options you can enable there, see here for some descriptions:

And I think that the post that you're referring to is one of Mike's and he posted the lighting settings he uses for that here:

> a little bug i found is if you choose free rotation for the navigation,
> then the view don't reset. i join a picture to show it.
> the contruction plane never come back horizontal.

If you have some objects in the model instead of a blank scene, then that's actually how it's intended to work - basically the "free rotation" mode does not put any special weight towards orienting the up direction towards the world z axis, except that if you have a totally blank scene and you hit reset it will go back to the original default starting view angle and position.

If you have some objects and you hit Reset and you're in Free rotation mode, it basically zooms the objects to fit within the viewport but does not disturb your current viewing directions.

If you want to get your view oriented to always having the construction plane horizontal then use the other "Rotate around world z axis" rotation mode, it keeps your head pointing upwards and avoids tilt.

You can also get back to a horizontal view by one of the methods described here:

- Michael
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 From:  laurent (WINGCHUN)
4902.3 In reply to 4902.2 
hi Michael

about navigation i was not talking about clicking the reset button. Sorry for the confusion.
what i mean is when i navigate i can't go back to an horizontal view (manually).
i'll try to post a video later because i can't clearly explain in english.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4902.4 In reply to 4902.3 
Hi Laurent,

> what i mean is when i navigate i can't go back to an
> horizontal view (manually).

Yeah, that's normal for how the "Free rotation" method works - when you are in free rotation mode every rotation to the left, right, up, or down uses the directions local to your current view direction, it does not do any special restriction to lock things to a world-axis horizontal view.

The other "Rotate around world z axis" mode is normally what you should use if you want to keep the cplane horizontal as you rotate around.

But there are a couple of ways you can get back to a horizontal view while you are in free rotation mode, see that link I posted above for a couple of different options, if you want you can set up a script that is shown in that post on a shortcut key.

- Michael
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 From:  laurent (WINGCHUN)
4902.5 In reply to 4902.4 
ok. i'll use the default navigation then. Not really a problem. Just to get used to it.

i'll come back later when i'll have made more test.
Really happy to finally being able to play with MOI.

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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)

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