Go easy on me, this is my first model ever done in Moi3D - let me know if anything looks off or could be done better! It is almost done(90% complete), afterwards I'll take into Modo for rendering. Big thanks to Michael Gibson for helping me, without it I probably won't of got this far :)
Hi Son, it looks great - construction looks very clean and well done, I do not see anything that looks off. It looks like good overall technique - broad surfaces where you have one logical piece and no unnecessary fragmentation.
thanks for the kind comments everyone! I'm definitely digging Moi, I can see where it fits into my pipeline now. Here is a final render from the front. All the logo/fonts was made in moi(except for the USB sticker , that was image found online).
This has to be one of the best models I have seen for some time. Wonderfully clean and well executed, and it shows in the quality of the render too. Excellent work Sonk.