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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4859.3 In reply to 4859.2 
Hi Michael ..

No, I don't need to have the extension as a separate entity.

I'm really talking about the mutual extend ... two lines perpendicular to each other (or when they might obliquely intersect). I would like them to 'join' with each other at the intersection. It would probably be good it there were an option for this so they would not join if one did not prefer that.

For instance, If I have two wall lines offset from each other and want to join them at the ends to form a long skinny box that will then be extruded to make a vertical wall. This wall might turn and have other walls intersecting, for instance. Unless they combine into a closed curve they will not cap at the top. If the extend command (for mutual extend) joined these intersections then I would not have to do it piece by piece.

This ties in with wanting the 'polyline' to stay on after it has been selected so that parts of drawn shapes will stay connected when that behavior is preferred. As it stands now when I hit the line icon it will default to the single line segment unless I click again on polyline. There are, of course, times when that is the best behavior ... I guess I would like a toggle for continuous/non-continuous.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4859.4 In reply to 4859.3 
Hi Michael ...
I see that the polyline does behave as I want it to. I just have to hit the right mouse button for it to repeat its last behavior.
I should have noticed it before but I was just using the left button and thought I had to make a choice each time I wanted to draw a line.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4859.5 In reply to 4859.3 
Hi eric,

> As it stands now when I hit the line icon it will default to the
> single line segment unless I click again on polyline.

Actually even if you left click on the line tool it should work like you're asking about here.

When there's a group of commands under a button (a "command set") like "Line" and "Polyline" are under the "Lines" button, when you open it up the last one that you used will be the one that gets launched automatically. The first time that it opens it will just run the first one.

So for example if you open Draw curve > Lines the first time it will launch the single-line "Line" command, but if you then pick Polyline the next time you open it, Polyline will be the one that is launched initially.

> I'm really talking about the mutual extend ... two lines
> perpendicular to each other (or when they might obliquely
> intersect). I would like them to 'join' with each other
> at the intersection.

One issue is that the Join option would only apply to the "mutual extend" method, and the way the Extend command is currently set up I don't know if you're doing a mutual extend or an "extend to boundary" until the last step of the command when it then just finishes.

Would you want another step added that then asked you to set extend option and you could check or uncheck join there? The bad part about that would be you would have another stage for the command that you would need to complete.

What if there was a separate type of extend command that was just focused on doing the mutual extend type method? I could probably streamline it a bit then. I'm already planning on doing a couple of special "quick drafting" type helper commands like that, another one that I want to do is a quick trim as discussed here:

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4859.6 In reply to 4859.5 
Hi Michael ...
Yes, the mutual extend command would be great and I know you would streamline it well.
And, yes, the boolean trim would be very helpful.

Now that I have set up a big set of appropriate styles I am now doing the bulk of my 2d drafting with MoI and all my modeling ... though I have other programs immediately available on my system.

The line selection works well ... I was just not using it optimally. I had incorrectly assumed I had to choose with each use and for some reason I automatically clicked on line rather than polyline unless I paid close attention. As I use polylines most of the time by choice I just have to pay a little more attention until it becomes my auto choice.

Do you have a timeline for the next beta release?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4859.7 In reply to 4859.6 
Hi eric,

> Do you have a timeline for the next beta release?

Well, I'm still in the process right now of wrapping up the Mac version, but that's getting close to being done.

Once that is wrapped up then I'll be returning back to working on new v3 features, my guess is that would start to happen again in February.

- Michael
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