Reduce control point count from duplicate curve??

 From:  dooki
Hey all!

I have a helmet surface shape. I copied the lower edge and clicked on "Show points" so that I can edit it.
Q: How can I reduce the amount points? I'd like the sample amount of point as if I drew it from scratch. Say 5-6 points. If not reduce count, am I better off redrawing this curve?

Much thanks,
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 From:  bemfarmer
4825.2 In reply to 4825.1 
Perhaps the "Rebuild" script?
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 From:  dooki
4825.3 In reply to 4825.2 
Oooo, thanks!
I've been using Moi but have never used a script. I need to check this out. Thanks!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4825.4 In reply to 4825.1 
Hi dooki - yup like Brian says Rebuild is what you want for that. Some more information here:

That will reconstruct a curve by sampling points from it and building a new curve through those sampled points, and using more points as needed until the new curve is the specified tolerance distance away from the original.

It should reduce the point count by quite a bit on something like that but possibly not quite to the same extent as a totally hand drawn one. But it should get it much more manageable.

- Michael
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 From:  dooki
4825.5 In reply to 4825.4 
Hey thanks Michael!

Oh, and Happy New Year to sir!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4825.6 In reply to 4825.5 
Happy New Year Dooki!

- Michael
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