ear bauble

 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi ...
Here is a screen grab of a small (1 cm) ear ornament that Shapeways will be sending me soon after the first of the year.
I am really impressed with how close to rendering quality images one can produce within MoI with very little effort or rendering experience.
With a little practice I think I can work entirely within MoI for my small architectural design business ... preliminary studies that can be presented to the client can be completed without the aid of other presentation or rendering software.
Kudos to Michael again. MoI is awesome!
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Size: 236.9 KB, Downloaded: 56 times, Dimensions: 2204x1932px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4800.2 In reply to 4800.1 
Hi eric, it looks great! I hope you could post a photo of the finished physical part when Shapeways sends it to you too.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4800.3 In reply to 4800.2 
Hi Michael ..
Yes, I'll do that ... after I sent this I realized that I could hide some small vertical edges to improve the image ... It looks even better now.
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