 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...

I just experienced what I think is an illogical behavior in the 'join' command.

I joined two lines of the same style while I was working in another style.

Suppose I had been working in 'red' and decided to join two lines originally drawn when in 'green'.

The joined line turned red. I expected it to keep its original style when all I did was join the two lines of the same style together.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4774.2 In reply to 4774.1 
Hi eric, thanks for reporting that - yeah that looks like a bug, it is putting the joined result on the active style instead of maintaining the previous states.

For surfaces it works like you expected - for example if you have 2 blue surfaces if you join them together the joined result stays blue like you wanted. So it would be good to have curves work in the same way, I will tune that up for the next v3 beta.

- Michael
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