Changing center of rotation

 From:  Richard (RUSIRIUS)
Could not find this in the search so I'll go ahead and ask :)

Is there a way to change the center of rotation? Would it be possible to pick a point or an edge to rotate around?

Thanks in advance.
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 From:  tyglik
475.2 In reply to 475.1 
Hi Richard,

eee? Do you mean the centre of rotation of background image or object? For rotating object the centre of rotation is set by picking first point when using Rotate command; or am I wrong? For rotating around line you can use Rotate-Axis command. You cannot use existing one, though.
I guess there is no currently way of changing centre of rotation of image. However, Michael was thinking about something for the frame of object -- see the last paragraph in this message.

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 From:  Richard (RUSIRIUS)
My bad. I was referring to the camera center of rotation. When viewing the model and rotating it always rotates around the origin. I was wondering if there is a way to change the rotation of the camera so it will rotate around a selected edge or point.

Having this would make it easier to view the larger models because when I try to view something by moving the camera what I am trying to look at zooms off the edge of the screen.

I hope I was a little clearer. :)
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 From:  tyglik
475.4 In reply to 475.3 
Richard, Richard....Always? I don't think so. When using Reset, ResetAll or ZoomArea command, the camera centre of rotation is changed.

I have an evidence... hehe

Another tip - you can use sub-object selection combined with Reset on the view controls panel at the bottom of the viewport, to more easily zoom in on a small region of the model. When you push that reset button, it will fit the selected object to take up the whole view. You can push reset a second time to fit the view to everything including unselected stuff. One frequent technique is to fit to a sub-object selection, but then zoom out slightly to see a bit more - the reason for doing it this way is to make rotation work properly in the 3D view. The fit-to-selected-object also places the view rotation pivot at the center of that selected object, so when you zoom out a bit from there your view rotations will happen anchored around that spot. You can also set your view rotation pivot by using the area zoom - the center point you pick there becomes the rotation pivot.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
475.5 In reply to 475.4 
Yup, for rotating around the selected edge hit Reset and it will fit that edge to the screen and also use set the view rotation pivot to the middle of it so you should be able to rotate around the edge after that.

To set it to a specific point use zoom area.

- Michael
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 From:  Richard (RUSIRIUS)
Ah Ha!
Thank you kind sirs for showing me the error of my ways :)
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