1.1mm diamond brillant cut problem

 From:  Samuel Zeller
Hey everyone,

I got this model of a diamond in parasolid, someone converted it for me in .iges and I opened it up in MoI (see attachments)
Someone working in the industry told me that the cut was not quite right, as you see there's ultra-small surfaces that generate extra-useless polygons when exporting in C4D. It's already at 400 tris per diamond which is freaky and oh-so-wrong (got 3800+ of them in C4D even with instances my memory when rendering goes up to 11gb on 24gb). Maybe someone here as the same cut with a proper mesh to share ? I don't have any jewelry software to generate a clean brillant cut :( Would be great if someone could provide me a .3dm one !

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4702.2 In reply to 4702.1 
Hi DesuDeus, check here for some gemstone sources:

You may find some 3DMs with gemstones in them that only contain mesh objects saved from Rhino into the 3DM - if you encounter a 3DM that does not appear to open with anything in MoI you've probably run into one of those. You can probably still make use of those in C4D by using Rhino or that rhino.io plug-in to read the mesh data in C4D from the mesh 3DM file.

But I think there were some sources of NURBS gemstone models mentioned there too. (Jesse's collection here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=3402.4)

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Here are a couple brilliant cut models.

EDITED: 27 Mar 2012 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Samuel Zeller
4702.4 In reply to 4702.3 
Thank you so much ! The round brillant 1mm is exactly what I need ! Awesome
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