The one major annoyance

 From:  black mariah (BLACK_MARIAH)
Is there any way to stop Outlook from automatically popping up when MoI crashes? I don't use Outlook, and it takes quite some time to open under those circumstances on my system.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
47.2 In reply to 47.1 
It's great how you don't complain about the crashes themselves, just that Outlook opens when it crashes !!! :)

There isn't any way to change this in your current build, but I will try to modify this for the upcoming beta, to put up a dialog box with a "send e-mail" button on it instead of jumping right into the outlook mail.

For each crash, there should be a moi_report zip file generated inside the MoI folder under \Program Files. If you can send these to me at, they can help me figure out what is causing the crash so I might be able to fix it.

- Michael
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 From:  black mariah (BLACK_MARIAH)
47.3 In reply to 47.2 
Hey, it's beta! Crashes won't bother me until my pocketbook is involved. ;)

The only crashes I get right now are fillet related, and we've been over those before. If I run into any others I'll be sure to shoot the file your way.

Oh, BTW, I don't know if this is an accident or a feature but when I double right-click anywhere but in the viewports... Internet Explorer opens up! Now if it opened my default browser I could see that being incredibly useful at times, but as it is it just raises question marks.
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