Hello SteveMacc,
On some level I have to agree with you about that, although there are applications I need this process for that cannot rely on rendering for the knurling result. For example, I rely on MoIs AI export for image insertion for product guides, a process that provides much better and more flexible output options than a poly render and export ever could.
While trying to come up with an effective process it was interesting to read information from machinists blogs about the challenges of getting knurling to behave on different diameter cylinders. While I didn't understand all the details of it since it's typically easier to see it live, the read was great to show how these problems are overcome in a real world sense and aided me in trying to figure out how to do it in MoI.
I also think the process itself is useful because other modelers can pick bits and pieces from the tutorial to incorporate into their process for completely different modeling tasks.
All that said I think I learn the most when doing tutorials, it get's me to think of different ways about the same problem and then whittle down the process to what happens to be the most balanced. In this process Michael Gibsons experience provides invaluable assistance, not only from an application perspective but from a modeling and process efficiency perspective as well, that alone is worth more than the price of MoI.
On the other hand you do bring up an interesting point about the knurling with polys, could you share and screenshots or video about your process?