Auto-weld close points ?

 From:  Samuel Zeller

I got a little problem here

Here's an Helvetica Neue Light "g" char

If I zoom

Is there a way (I already tried the rebuild command, bad result) to auto-weld points that are close to each other with less than X mm for example ?

It's driving me mad, I need to do 0.04mm fillets on those letters in a solid and it always fail because of those multiple points that doesn't make any difference in the overall letter shape :(

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4635.2 In reply to 4635.1 
Hi DesuDeus, there is not currently any automated method for doing that - I guess that Rebuild could try to do something like remove little sharp segments like that which are smaller than the rebuild tolerance.

Can you please post the 3DM model file with the curves in it so I can test with it when I get a chance to work on that?

Unfortunately a lot of fonts can have messy small details like that since they were created really to do 2D glyphs.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
4635.3 In reply to 4635.2 
It was imported from an .AI file

Attached the 3DM with two different versions, a good one and a bad one

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 From:  Samuel Zeller
4635.4 In reply to 4635.3 
"I guess that Rebuild could try to do something like remove little sharp segments like that which are smaller than the rebuild tolerance."

That would be awesome
Even better, one tolerance for the rebuild
+ One tolerance for the weld

It would obviously do the weld before the rebuild

Anyway, thanks for your answer and for being the only 3D software developer I know who directly reply to his customers so fast (I always have a big smile when I get answer on this forum in a matter of hours or minutes and not days !)
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