Majik Tutorial: Complex Axial-Network Surfaces
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
The Network Command -

A network is a surface made from a grid of lines that control the shape,
Exactly in the same fashion that the longitude and latitude lines work on a map or globe.

But, just like the way a globe is constructed, a network can be constructed -
by using rings instead of lines with definite end-points.
This creates a surface that doesn't have a terminating edge, but wraps around.

Think of a tire (tyre), where the surface can be made with rings to define the shape, starting from the defining rim on one side and ending at the other.

Most object surfaces created in this way can of course be created from a simple revolve, loft, or sweep -
But, a network can yield an amount of increased control over the shape and added detail of the surface.

This example shows the subtle curvature detail obtainable with a network.
Notice how you can define many sides at one time.
This could be a container lid.

For lack of a good type name for this particular type of network,
we can call this an "Axial" network, because the definition of the surface is tube-like or has some type of relative radius.
It uses both "profile rings" and "profile rails". But you may be able to use two crossing sets of rings.

The course of the pair can make a myriad of shapes: they can be tube-like, or closed on both ends like a sphere. The shape can even fold over to produce and inside surface and even move in any direction.

The Profile Rails can be connected together at one or both ends, as in a polar coordinate system, or they can be independent.
Both rings and rails can be any shape and be oriented in any direction - it's their crossing that allows the Network command to negotiate a NURBS surface.

First - Establish the Profile Rails.
They don't have to touch in the middle, but if they do, if you make sure that the combination of the first two control points in each rail are all planar (in line), or in tangent: then the surface in the polar area will be relatively smooth. This, giving the illusion of one solid object surface.

Second - Establish the Profile Rings.
Often, just copies of an original shape will work, but keep it mind that if the shape in a different part of the object changes, so should the shape of the ring - just as is done in a loft.
Note, the rings do not have to be planar, nor parallel - as long as they define approximate grid crossing intersections with the rails.

Third - Tighten proximity. Network will average the surface represented by the rings and rails.
They do not have to be accurate, but accuracy helps.
Going into each ortho side views will make this easy.

Here is an example "network cage" ready to be networked.
In this example, one set of rail ends are touching, and the others are open, but the rings are virtually connected to the rails.
Note 1: There is no need for a profile ring to be very close or at the polar rail-touching position - a tiny ring there will actually yield an unpredictable result.
One placed close as shown will suffice.
Note 2: There is no rule that dictates that the rails always be 90 degrees apart in orientation.
You may be able to add more, or make it fewer, but at least one in every direction makes a good shape.

The arrangement with Network applied...

In this example: there is a set of rings that start at the bottom, work their way up, around, then back down to a low position. They are following the virtual path of the profile rails.

The rings colored blue are the inside ones, the red curves are the rails.
Yes, a Loft could be used to connect the rings to make a new object, but the rails give more guarantee to the final shape and control of detail.

Try this network set for yourself:

Go to

Download the file: Network_Fun_01.3dm

JPBWEB, good job with the ship hull - you're right on the money, and it's looking nice!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4610.2 In reply to 4610.1 
Another cool tutorial, Mike!

Sometimes with a Network that comes to a pole point like that it can help with shaping right near the tip to put in a smallish circle as the last profile curve before the very tip, that can kind of "even out" the shape as it approaches the point where everything is collapsing together. That's something to try in cases where you may get some bunching or ridge-like patterns in that area which can happen when oblong shapes directly collapse down to a point.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.3 In reply to 4610.2 

You know, I didn't start to realize that until I made that larger shape in the middle more round. But when you mentioned using a circle, it clicked. :-)
I first had a copy of the more square outside shape, but discovered that it was re-enforcing a carry-over of the sharp corners.
As logic dictates: in the condition where all of the polar lines come to a point, you are essentially calling for a "circular arrangement".
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4610.4 In reply to 4610.3 
Hi Mike,

> As logic dictates: in the condition where all of the polar
> lines come to a point, you are essentially calling for a
> "circular arrangement".

Yup, and the other kind of situation where that kind of "pole" tip most naturally occurs is a surface of revolution with Construct > Revolve - those have that circular nature basically built in to them and they have a nice shape at the tip.

So putting a circle in before the end in Network makes the end more resemble a surface of revolution shape in that area.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich_Art
4610.5 In reply to 4610.4 
Thanks for the tut and tips...

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Thanks for the tutorial Mike, I did'nt thought of network working this way.

I imagine you cold network a shape like a spoon with it's handle in this fashion.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.7 In reply to 4610.6 
Thanks, I'm very sure it could be done well, with some careful construction.

Here is a quick and dirty version of a spoon done with a network:

And consider this: With Network, you could make a very clean spoon surface with it's many subtle and varied curved surfaces - then apply fine ornamental detail with the Flow tool.
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Majik -

Thanks for these great examples. I'll have to experiment with network.

Here's your model:



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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.9 In reply to 4610.8 
Wow, that looks nice Ed! Nice and shiny.

I've been making the elements to build a bathroom scene. I'm almost done with the toilet, and I have the sink and tub ready.

From a design standpoint, you have to marvel at the elegant design complexity that goes into a blown-mold porcelain Baño.
I think they are made from several castings, split down the middle. With inner chambers and water passages.
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Yeah Majik - I've seen your work-in-progress on the bathroom. Including fixture threads that won't show :) Now that's dedication to detail!

I just used the standard white car paint on your model. A guy in the KeyShot forum came up with a really nice porcelain material, unfortunately material sharing is not yet in place. BTW - I'll be getting the animation upgrade in 3-4 weeks, so if you want to see a camera animation of your bathroom scene, drop me a line.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.11 In reply to 4610.10 
=-D Man, that would be sick!
Animation is still a far-off concept to me. But heck yeah!
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 From:  klickoff (RIKO)
Majik, thanks its Great!!!!!!
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4610.13 In reply to 4610.1 
Hi Mike,

I tried your "toilet" but it's unsusable! There is nowhere for the shi... to go! LOL.

Keep up the good work, you're doing an incredible job.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.14 In reply to 4610.13 
Sure there is!

You simple select the sh.. and try to run a Fillet on it. ;-)
If it doesn't disappear in a mess of broken curves and strange naked rectangular surfaces - try running Boolean trim on it.
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
... groan. Majik, just model a plunger to go with your model and call it good :)

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.16 In reply to 4610.15 
The "Revolve tool". :-) (Helps the water to "revolve") Or you can call it a "Plumber's Helper".

EDITED: 15 Oct 2011 by MAJIKMIKE

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 From:  bisenberger
Thanks for making your files available. Very useful!

On the spoon there is pinching on both ends. How can this be avoided?


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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.18 In reply to 4610.17 
I believe that the remedy for the pinching on the ends can be addressed in the same manner that Michael suggested for smoothing out the creasing that can occur as the rails approach the (polar) middle-end point.
- By placing a small circle or some smaller profile rings to express and reinforce the shape in those areas.

Or in other words, if a small profile ring of a more round and smooth shape was placed where it really looks creased, it may smooth it out there and lessen the overall extremeness of the pinching.

More detail will yield a more precise result.
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 From:  bisenberger
Thanks for the follow up Majik.

I tried to network Network_Fun_01.3dm in Rhino it was a no go. Loaded it in MoI selected all the curves and walla!

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4610.20 In reply to 4610.19 
What does that say about the needlessly overly complicated $1000 program? ;-)
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