Can't fillet this curve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
46.6 In reply to 46.5 
Great comments, thanks!

> I didn't realize the first curves (belonging to the object) where still selected <....>

Yup, this is indeed the single biggest workflow problem, having unanticipated selection remaining from a previous operation. I've been kind of surprised that more people haven't complained about it yet.

You really have to be aware of your selection and click in empty space to clear it often.

But on the other hand, not having to hold down shift a million times every hour is pretty nice too... I have thought before about having an option to do "old-fashioned-style" :) shift for multiple select. I kind of hate to load down too many options for basic behavior, I kind of would rather get the behavior to just work better in its default mechanism, but this one is pretty tough to solve.

> A small notice of what/how many objects are currently selected.

You know the area where the options for the current command are located? Eventually I think that will get populated with a properties editing box that lets you edit some of the properties of the selected object(s). That would be natural to show something about the type and number of selection in there as well. I'm not quite sure when I'll be able to start working on this. I'm not sure that it would really solve the unintended selection problem though.... If you're already thinking enough to look over there, you probably haven't forgotten about your selection...

> Doubleclick on the Reset button in viewport could reset all viewports.

I pretty much have a ban on double-clicks. It would be problematic there because a second click (not actual double-click, just a second regular click after a first regular click) is already used there to switch between zooming to the selected objects or all objects.

But how about a right-click there for that? For a long time I had a ban on right clicks too, but that ban is gradually being lifted, as long as there are non right-click ways to do the stuff.

(I'll follow up a bit more on the rest tomorrow, time to go for now)...
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 From:  Coliba
46.7 In reply to 46.6 
Yes, on second thought that doubleclick to reset all could cause problems. It's easy to doubleclick by mistake with a tablet pen and that would be frustrating if all viewports are reset.

Another suggestion for a really practical feature I use all the time modeling in XSI. It's called Isolate Selection and it lets you temporarily isolate the currently selected objects so they are the only ones shown in the viewports. Often with more complex objects consisting of several parts, some parts get in the way when you want to examine a particular piece. This option lets me do it very quickly, without having to mess with turning on/off a bunch of layers (although layers still have their place ofcourse). When you want to show all objects again, you just select Isolate All (which should really be called Isolate None I guess).

Center view on current selection would also be nice.

I'm having another problem with geometry, boolean this time. Trying to boolean the wheelhub with this cylinder. The result is instead a trim, just the top surface is trimmed, but there are no walls or bottom. I tried doing it in Rhino and it works ok (btw those small fillets for the holes were made in Rhino also, wasn't possible in MoI).

I attached the new model.

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