Sweep not pointy

 From:  Rich_Art
Hi All,

Why won't the sweep makes 2 pointy ends when setting Moi to do so.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Works for me on an helix rail! :)
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 From:  Rich_Art
4595.3 In reply to 4595.2 
Ah yes for me as well indeed.. Strange it won't work when I add a circle spline to the startpoint of the helix.

Rich_Art. ;-)

| C4DLounge.eu | Our Dutch/Belgium C4D forum. Cinema4D R13 Studio + VrayForC4D + UVLayout Pro + 3DCoat

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 From:  bemfarmer
Putting circle near the end of helix results in pointy end, needs a little distance to go to point.

EDITED: 30 Mar 2020 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Rich_Art
4595.5 In reply to 4595.4 
Yeah indeed but my question was, why won't it work as in my first post. thus when I put the circle at the begin of helix I won't get a pointy end and start. If I just use a circle spline somewhere in the scene it does works as you can see in my other post.

Rich_Art. ;-)

| C4DLounge.eu | Our Dutch/Belgium C4D forum. Cinema4D R13 Studio + VrayForC4D + UVLayout Pro + 3DCoat
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 From:  BurrMan
4595.6 In reply to 4595.5 
When you do your sweeps and place the profiles outside of the bounds of the path, the sweep command can use whats called "autoplacement" and has the chance to decide the best place for the profiles to fit... When you place then inside of the bounds of the path, the profile we be swept "THERE" as if that exacly where you want it... Placing the profile on the very end, gives no place for the sweep to go to a point.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4595.7 In reply to 4595.1 
Hi Rich_Art,

> Why won't the sweep makes 2 pointy ends when setting Moi to do so.

It's because you've placed the circle profile curve at that end position - so that means that the end station is already occupied by your profile and so there is no space to place a point in there as well.

Sweep basically works by having a single profile curve defined at each station along the rail, and you've already occupied the end station.

If you want to use "pointy ends", you've got to have the ends unoccupied by your own profiles so that a collapsed down curve point can be added to the end position.

> If I just use a circle spline somewhere in the scene it does works
> as you can see in my other post.

Like Burr mentions, that's using "auto place" mode, and auto-place mode knows to put the circle at the midpoint of the rail if you've got both point ends set.

If you're going to do direct placement of the profile on the rail you would need to put it somewhere on the interior of the rail and not right at the end if you want to make the pointy end option work.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich_Art
4595.8 In reply to 4595.7 
Yeah that makes sense of course. :-)
Thanks for opening my eyes... LoL

Rich_Art. ;-)

| C4DLounge.eu | Our Dutch/Belgium C4D forum. Cinema4D R13 Studio + VrayForC4D + UVLayout Pro + 3DCoat
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