How to punch a closed hole

 From:  Rich_Art
Hi All,

I making a bicycle lamp. I want to punch a closed hole trough the bottom of the body.
With boolean union it works. I just need to delete some parts.
When I want to join the different surfaces together so i can fillet the edges it will delete the top as well. (see image for better explanation)

How can I prevent this.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4564.2 In reply to 4564.1 
Copy past the face in the space before the boolean, then past it in place after the Boolean? :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4564.3 In reply to 4564.1 
Hi Rich_Art - it looks like the problem is that your objects are not solids that define a closed volume.

If you select one and look at the object type indicator in the upper-right corner of the window you'll see it reads "Joined Srf" or "surface" instad of reading "Solid" like it would if the object was a fully closed volume.

The booleans mostly figure out which pieces to keep and which to discard by what volume they are contained within, and if your objects are not solids that is not really well defined so you may get pieces discarded that you didn't expect.

In order to see why an object is not a solid, set up the script here on a shortcut key:

Put that on something like the N key for select naked edges - then when you push that key the edges that are empty and not joined between 2 surfaces will get selected so you can see where they are.

For your outer piece it looks like there is a tiny opening at the inside area of the tip.

In order for the booleans to work properly you'll need to close that up so that piece is a solid.

Another alternative is to use the Trim command to cut the pieces with one another - Trim allows you to specifically pick which pieces you want to keep or discard, then you do a Join after that to glue the parts together.

Basically the booleans do the same kind of a job as Trim + Join but they automatically decide which pieces of things to throw away based on what volume they are in. So they're kind of like a shortcut batch operation mode of trimming/joining that you can use when you have solid objects that you're working with.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4564.4 In reply to 4564.1 
Hi Rich_Art, also looking at your shape you've got another problem which is that the little piece that you're trying to union on is just a single surface with no thickness to it at all - that won't be possible to union on to the hole because it won't make a proper solid since there would be no thickness to the object at all in that spot.

In order to make a proper object there you would need to extrude that little piece you're trying to union to have some thickness before it would be able to be unioned on to the other solid and make a proper solid result.

Really for a case like this instead of cutting a hole and then partially filling it in with another piece it's probably best to initially cut it with an extruded cutting object using boolean difference with the cutting object not going all the way through, so it's all done after the first boolean.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4564.5 In reply to 4564.1 
Probably you didn't want to really have that little tiny disc hole at the inside tip of the rounded shape - that looks like it was probably caused by doing a revolve with one end of the revolve profile not quite touching the axis.

- Michael
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 From:  Rich_Art
4564.6 In reply to 4564.3 
Wow.. First a big applause for your outstanding support. Don't forget you must sleep sometime as well. :-)

Thanks for the explanation. This makes perfectly sense. I'll redo the body and make sure it is a solid.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Rich_Art
4564.7 In reply to 4564.6 
Thanks again Michael.

I remodeled the body and the glass. It's much better now.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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