Hi Riko - what method are you currently using to make holes? Are you possibly making an extruded cylinder solid to use as a cutting object in boolean difference?
If so then you can save some time by instead just drawing a circle curve object to use as the cutting object instead of making an extruded cylinder.
The booleans have automatic extrusion built into them, so you can create a hole just by drawing a circle and using the circle as the cutting object directly in boolean difference without doing any other steps.
Thank you Michael! I make a bike, and a lot of time leaves on creation of different holes, for bolts. It slows down process. It would be desirable as that to simplify this problems.
Hi Riko - but all you have to do currently is draw a circle and do boolean difference.
That's not very many steps already...
What kind of steps were you thinking of instead?
If you're placing holes in a repeated pattern drawing just one circle then allows you to use the array commands to replicate the circle into a pattern and then you can do just one boolean difference using all those replicated circles as the cutting objects.
Is it that you are always using a circle of a specific radius?
In relation to Riko's request the issue arises, for me anyway, when doing several blind holes.
I think I've asked the same question once before, it's a MCAD thing :)
> Danny, to address that I've thought about adding
> an option to limit the cutting depth when using
> curves as cutting objects in boolean difference.
That'll work :) and as a special addition to us MCAD guy's you're going to have an option to put a 118 deg conical drill point on the end of that......you are thinking about it aren't you? ;)