Hi Jdiles - thanks for your feedback on MoI!
Unfortunately due to the structure of MoI's objects, it is difficult to provide edge or vertex editing of objects.
Here is one post that goes into some of the details why:
I'll try to explain it a bit more here too.
When you have a simple cube, the edges you see are the natural edges of the plane surfaces that make up the cube.
But once you do a boolean or trim type cutting operation on the cube, you get what are called "trim curves" - the trim curves become the new edges of the cube, but the surface underneath them remains a simple plane. So in this way there is not a 1 to 1 relationship between the edge of the underlying surface geometry and the edges of the trimmed model that you see. This is a problem because the shape of the object is determined by the surface geometry, the trim curves are sort of markers on the surface that denote trimming zones. So this makes it very difficult in general to change the surface by moving the trim curves - the shape needs to be defined by editing the surface, not the trim edges. It is a bit difficult to explain, but there is an image in that previous post that may help.
So that's a pretty big technical obstactle to having that type of deformation tools in MoI - that's the reason why they aren't in there.
But although this type of "trimmed surface" structure is not good for edge point deformations, it does have other benefits - it works much better for trimming and boolean type operations because when you have an object intersected many times, all that is updated is the trim curves on the surface, the surfaces themselves stay clean and simple. This is why NURBS geometry works better for boolean and trimming operations than polygon geometry.
But because of this mis-match between the underlying surface and the trim edges, I don't anticipate having that particular type of deformation in MoI anytime soon.
This doesn't necessarily mean that MoI is not good for experimentation, but it means the way you go about it is a bit different, it is more structured like you're draw shapes rather than deform them. But in a lot of ways I think a drawing type mechanism is closer to "sketching" than deforming points - deforming points is actually not much like sketching, but more like sculpting clay. MoI is more "sketch-like" and less "sculpt-like"...
- Michael