Michael, please please please !

 From:  naxos
Please, let us donate !

Moi3D is so wonderfull project, each 3D guy i show, he fall in love with !!

not sure if you are rich or something, but i do want to donate to help you spend time on it !!

so please, Michael, give us some Paypal donation email ;-)
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 From:  Fitz (3DARTZ)
450.2 In reply to 450.1 
Um, after reading this, I get the impression that MOI development is stopping????
Is this so?
I hope not?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
450.3 In reply to 450.1 
Hi Naxos, thanks for the enthusiasm!

But just to clarify - MoI is only free in during this beta period. After the beta is over and the final V1 version is ready, it will be a commercial product, not a free product. However, I do expect the price to be a lot less than the typical CAD program price.

So there isn't any need to donate - if you want to support it just purchase it when V1 is ready! :)

But thank you very much for offering!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
450.4 In reply to 450.2 
> Um, after reading this, I get the impression that MOI development is stopping????
> Is this so?

Nope, definitely not stopping!

After the end of this month it will be pausing for possibly a short while as the official V1 release gets all prepared, but then it will resume after that for V2.

There will be some good stuff coming this month though.

- Michael
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 From:  Schbeurd
By the way Michael, I hope you will accept payment by credit cards. By far the easiest for me...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
450.6 In reply to 450.5 
> By the way Michael, I hope you will accept payment by credit
> cards. By far the easiest for me...

I think I'm going to use this service from a company called Plimus that will handle accepting the payments for me - they support credit cards and a variety of other methods as well.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
450.7 In reply to 450.6 
sounds good. I've had good experience with Plimus. But Paypal is a piece of donkey sh-t. I will be very happy if not forced to use paypal...

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 From:  naxos
450.8 In reply to 450.7 
ok for that Michael,

i'm only affraid of that kinda scenario :

you're product is great, we all know that... and maybe some big big company would (should) hire you for some stupide-but-very-well-paid developpement...

in this way i'm affraid of you could think about stop MOI3d dev.

this was the reason why i thought about donation to help you not to fall into dark side of dev.

my proposal is still available...

ps : as the guy that chooses softwares (and hardware) for a 3D highschool, i have to know if a special educationla price will be available for version 1...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
450.9 In reply to 450.8 
Hi Naxos, well the #1 thing that would drive me to "the dark side" would be if I don't sell enough copies of MoI when it is released.

The biggest thing you can do to help is just to tell other people you know that are interested in 3D about MoI.

That's actually more important than a donation!

> ps : as the guy that chooses softwares (and hardware) for a 3D
> highschool, i have to know if a special educationla price will be
> available for version 1...

Yes, but I haven't figured out the specifics yet, but I'm pretty sure that I will be doing something special for classroom use of MoI.

- Michael
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