Trim settings

 From:  mash (MASH3D)
Hi, I changed the trim settings from "remove" to "keep"
Now I want to change it back to remove but Moi won't let me.
the dialogue box closes before I can change it.

Is there any place t change that setting in the config file?

Fudge!! sorry double posted. I thought my previous post didn't go through for some reason.
User error :)

EDITED: 3 Sep 2011 by MASH3D

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4481.2 In reply to 4481.1 
Hi mash - I removed that other post.

That setting for the trim mode is actually not persisted between program sessions - if you just exit that current running instance of MoI and start it up again the new session should have it starting out with Mode = remove again.

Generally that's how all the options for individual commands work - they remember what setting you used last within this same session but not between sessions, unlike global settings.

Re: trim command closing without letting you change it - are you possibly not giving the Trim command the inputs that it would normally need to work? Like for example if you select a single curve that has no self crossings in it and then at the select cutting objects prompt you just push Done there without picking any objects, the command will exit in that case since there is nothing for it to do.

- Michael
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