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 From:  OSTexo

So how do you explain the smooth result in Thea with the same file? The vase objects are certainly dense enough to show a proper result. It's a bug in Octane, a finer mesh does not fix the problem.
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 From:  YHWH_777
4415.19 In reply to 4415.18 
<< So how do you explain the smooth result in Thea with the same file?>>

Thea and Octane are extremely different programs and use different smoothing algorithms. IMO, one of the weaker areas in Octane is that it requires a very high polygon count when using glossy or specular materials. Thea actually announced that they had rewritten their smoothing algorithms to get rid of the terminator artifact issue that many other renderers have. You can read about it here: http://www.thearender.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4331

<< The vase objects are certainly dense enough to show a proper result. It's a bug in Octane, a finer mesh does not fix the problem.>>

I seriously doubt that it is a bug in Octane. There are hundreds of amazing images that are coming out of Octane every month. Nobody on their forums is complaining about this issue. Why don't you post your issue on their forums. There are lots of friendly users that I am sure would be glad to help.
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 From:  OSTexo

The terminator artifact problem is present in Octane, I tried some tests thinking that might be the problem, but it doesn't make sense that when I switch to different materials in Octane the problem goes away using the same model, does it?

I'll have to disagree with you about it not being a bug in Octane. Like I said previously I have posted the issue on the forums, and have heard nothing from the developers. I get the indication that the developers are aware of the problem, but choose to ignore it. In fact, there are numerous examples on the Octane Render forums with similar faceting in transparent materials present in objects created in modelers other than MoI. Just because someone doesn't complain about a problem doesn't mean there isn't a problem. Some of the more vocal users on the forum gave the same lines that you are typing, not enough mesh density, smoothing problem, problem with the model, which leads me to believe these users are not interested in insisting on a fix, they choose to ignore the error as well.

In short, this problem is not user error, it is an Octane error. I realize it is in beta, so hopefully someone over there will come to their senses and squash the bug causing this. I'll agree with you that it is a fast renderer, although not accurate at this point. I think the Octane developers are working at a significant disadvantage. I have to think that the Thea developers have a much greater depth of experience in this field, so it is not surprising that they are much further ahead with a relatively slower CPU based, but highly accurate product.
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 From:  ycarry
you had a bad export to .obj and even if THEA partially correct the prob - by removing itself double vertices - you still have construction problem with Thea, Octane, Blender, Wings,... Here speaking about 'vases.obj' you send on forum, so again: give us the vase MoI model and we sure find a solution correcting the export.
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 From:  YHWH_777
4415.22 In reply to 4415.20 
I took the time to try and replicate your image. It isn't an exact match, since I don't know a lot about the specifics of your setup (rendering kernel used, lighting environment used, specular settings, camera setttings, etc), but it is relatively close.

This is a direct export/import from MoI to Octane. As you can see, I am not getting the issues that you are, so there must be something specific that you are doing that causes the issue.

Here is the Octane render:

And here is the screen capture from MoI:

And here are the export settings for MoI:

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 From:  OSTexo

You can't explain why it is happening so how could you possibly help with a fix? Ycarry, you were one of the posters who saw no problem with Octane, so why are you here exactly since you don't acknowledge a problem? I don't think I ever got an explanation on why every other renderer I try with this scene renders it properly, except for Octane. I'm not looking for conjecture by any user, I am truly interested in hearing for a developer why this is happening. If you'd read the Octane thread in its correct context you will see that some users acknowledge that there is a problem with Octane and transparent materials. In fact, if you look at some current images involving transparent materials on the Octane forums you will find examples with gross distortions in transparent materials, even the one a user tried to use to say my model was the problem.

Yhwh, are you using a specular material with index around 1.6? Your surface looks highly reflective on the top. Your comparison isn't close enough, a tighter fit would be to see how it looks when viewing through the top and backside of the model. I'm not doing any material mixing at all. You realize that you will see the same faceting when you zoom in on the object given your higher mesh density? Your "test" smacks of dishonesty, I would hope it is unintentional especially when you have access to my test mesh. Increasing mesh density does not solve this problem, if you zoom in even at density 3 using your settings you see the same faceting.
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 From:  YHWH_777
4415.24 In reply to 4415.23 

<< Your "test" smacks of dishonesty...>>

I have a few choice words for you but I won't post them on this forum. I (as well as many others) have tried to help you on this forum, as well as the Octane forum, but all you want to do is bash everyone around. Everyone on both forums is telling you that it is your mesh that is the issue, but you don't want to listen. Everyone else must be wrong because you know better!

I tried to create a cylinder that looked like yours. I didn't have the specifics to your scene, so I did the best that I could. I think that I came pretty close. And my image has no vertex issues at all.

I read the thread that you have discussed (from over a year ago) on the Octane forums and one of the developers did reply to you. It was also pointed out that your meshes contained duplicate vertices (which will cause problems with many renderers). If you created a mesh from MoI, then you shouldn't have had duplicate vertices, so I am now starting to wonder how honest you really are about all of this.

It seems that you don't really want a solution, so at this point I have decided that you are a troll.

Good day sir.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
...And a perfectly good thread catches a flame. ;-)
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 From:  BurrMan
4415.26 In reply to 4415.25 
Sorry Mike,
I feel I had a part...

I also feel a "Making it with MoI TOO" comming on. :o
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 From:  Michael Gibson
All right guys - I split off all the Octane posts to a separate thread here and please lets just let it die off instead of continuing into a flame war. The Octane forum would probably be a better place to have this discussion.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4415.28 In reply to 4415.27 
Well, if anything, it put Thea Render at the top of my renderer consideration list. ;-)
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 From:  OSTexo

Yhwh, someone interested in coming to the root of a problem would gather as much information about the settings as possible, not throw up an image using a different material and mesh density to deflect criticism, that's hardly a "solution". So yes, whether intentional or not your example was not honest, and your response to being called out confirms your true intent. Your thoughts on me being a troll are immaterial to the discussion, background noise, and do not explain the problem that Octane Render has, it's just another attempt at deflection.

You seem to keep forgetting Octane is still a beta product, and as I have said before these problems are expected in beta software. An Octane developer did request the test file, it was provided promptly and there was no response either publicly or privately afterward from the developer. It makes sense from a development and commercial point of view that an explanation be given if it was a problem with the model. I did not receive any statement from the developer to that effect. The "response" from the developer was a request for further information to investigate the matter, I think anyone would agree that is not a solution explanation.

By the way, creating the same scene in modo 501 sp4 gives a similar faceted result in Octane. I created a cylinder primitive, created a plane for the floor and and a plane for the backdrop, and export to OBJ. The problem is repeatable and consistent. If you choose to ignore it I have no problem with it, but others might. I typically like to give my impressions of products, whether good or bad, especially when those products involve someone parting with their hard earned money.

While you think it is insane to pay $2K for a renderer, $140 may be just as serious to those without many funds. I don't think someone would be too happy with this result if they encountered the same result, with no explanation from the developers and an unsatisfactory "solution" from users that masks, rather than fixes the problem.

On a different note, I apologize for the thread hijack Magic and MG.
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 From:  PaQ
4415.30 In reply to 4415.29 
Hi OSTexo,

I feel your pain about Octane, I was having some really hard time to resolve basic vertex normal trouble last year.
Taking one week to proove that :

- No my model is not wrong (as it render right in many other renderer)
- Yes I know what I'm doing
- No MoI is not doing anything wrong.

Then, only, they slowly accept the idea that something was wrong in Octane.
They tried to fix it the wrong way first (using smoothing group), and claim everything was ok now.

At that time I was really upset :P so they manage to kick my ass from the forum,
and my licence was refund. So pay attention how far you are ready to go when complaining, as they
are not always open, and emotive like a teenager.

About the product itself, Octane is really great for product shot ...

but ...

- it's buggy and easy to crash (beta beta)
- not that fast if you are after a clean final image (grain, aliasing)
- so many features missing compared to a 'cpu' renderer
- you need a second gfx card if you expect to use your computer while rendering
- you need an active internet connection to use the software.
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 From:  OSTexo

PaQ, I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you found a renderer that would fit your workflow more appropriately. I invested in both Thea and Octane, they were inexpensive enough for my budget and I thought there might be room for both of them in the toolbox. I have to say I am really happy with Thea, and although it is slower I have a much higher degree of confidence that it will continue to deliver the great results.

I think I got my answer by not getting one from the Octane developers. In a broader sense, people usually invest in perceived value more than actual value, and I believe it is absolutely critical to know this when releasing a product into the market. Certain companies are acutely aware of this, and others are not, and the ones that aren't usually end up in a worse spot than those that do. I never understood the thinking behind not responding to these sort of support requests corporately, rather allowing end users with no involvement in development or vested interest in the financial well being of the corporation speak for the company. It certainly is cheaper to do it this way, but it leads to a highly distorted view of what the real market is looking for and doesn't end well.
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 From:  ycarry

You send to Octane a CAD obj made in MoI converted to poly .obj
and as in 99% of cases (!) the prob appear when converted to poly

In the case of "vase.obj", I showed you the prob after conversion: duplicate vertices (not some but hundreds!), edges weld,...
I showed you with screenshots made from Thea that prob appear in Thea too, and how Thea (try to) solve it transforming itself the object

The most important for all is not only to criticize an application (here Octane)
when/if a prob appear but to understand how and why and solve it.
Im sure you can solve your problem only by different export setup
just send us the MoI file and we try to help you.

Its just to understand, not against you or your work or Octane

all the rest depend of mood (or testosterone rate, or day time, or...)

ps: hope my english is good enough to calm you all
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 From:  OSTexo

Ycarry, a logical step in this troubleshooting process is to investigate as many possibilities as reasonable and then come to a conclusion based upon the data available.

I didn't see a problem in Thea or modo with the vases or the cylinder, even on close inspection, I'm not tweaking anything in those applications to compensate. The fact that I simplified the object indicates that I wanted to see if the problem was with a complex model. The teapot example that was given on the Octane forum had horrible distortions when rendered in Octane. Increasing subdivision does not solve the problem, the distortion is still there when you zoom in. It is ironic that the teapot image was given to counter the assertion that there was something wrong with Octane in processing the geometry. If you think MoI does bad exports then you must also think modo exports bad geometry as well, since that geometry has the same faceting problem. You do realize companies buy MoI on the quality of the export alone, and I think the Luxology would have some real big problems if they didn't export OBJ correctly given their pure modeling foundation.

I took the time to go through a logical measured process to eliminate problem sources. It is an Octane problem, not MoI, not Thea, not modo. The only one that doesn't play nice is Octane, it is a repeatable and consistent issue, It is acknowledged by a set of licensed users of Octane even on the Octane forums. You can see evidence of it in transparent images on the Octane forum. I guess the real issue here is being able to acknowledge that Octane is a beta product with bugs. I'm not knocking the software, I'm knocking the denial on the part of the developers and some of the users, by not acknowledging the problem you end up hurting it.

Lastly, I don't take offense at what your saying, some people get highly emotional about products, I'm not one of those people.
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 From:  Ditto
4415.34 In reply to 4415.33 
> ...some people get highly emotional about products, I'm not one of those people.

No, you are getting highly emotional about people not seeing the world like you do. You care a f*ck about the product, but you can't stand that not everybody is like you.

Go seeing a doctor.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4415.35 In reply to 4415.34 
Please ...
Let's don't use this forum for personal stuff ... particularly attacks on others.
take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Thread closed - please take any further discussion on this to the Octane forums.

- Michael
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