Hidden Line Removal By Overlapping Lines?

 From:  OSTexo

The question might be a bit premature but I have a question concerning hidden line removal. If two objects are snapped to one another and a set of edges shares the same space would one set of lines be removed using hidden line removal, or does that only apply to faces and solids blocking the lines? Thanks.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4408.2 In reply to 4408.1 
Hi OSTexo, well I haven't even started on that area yet so it's hard to know exactly how it will turn out yet...

But is it possible for you to make a simple example 3DM file that shows the kind of overlap that you're asking about though? Seeing an example model with some simple geometry in it would help me to understand exactly what you're concerned about.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

I have attached a file. The objects on the left consist of two boxes that share a set of edges. Under the current system when the file is exported to AI it makes two sets of lines where the edges meet. When hidden lines are enabled will one set of lines hide the other set of lines, or will a double set of lines still be there? On the object on the right there is an indication of two boxes even though it is just one solid box with a placed rectangle. As expected there is just one set of lines in the middle on export.

I'm really fine with either way, it would just be helpful to know if it will be easier to just project some lines onto surfaces as I do now so I don't have to eliminate duplicates in AI or if overlapping lines will actually be represented by only one set of lines on export. Thanks.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4408.4 In reply to 4408.3 
Hi OSTexo, thanks for the example. Probably at least at first you'll get 2 sets of lines in a situation like that. The most straightforward way to do things is to have lines hidden by surfaces, it's not very easy to make lines hide other lines.

Later on it could be possible to add a kind of "remove duplicates" type step, that might help to clean up some things. But that probably wouldn't happen initially at least.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

Thanks for the explanation. It is actually less work for me to use the projection feature like the example on the right, so it really isn't a big deal to continue doing it that way, the actual solids stay much simpler and manageable, and if something like marking changes it is much easier to delete the projection and redraw than hacking up the solids. Thanks.
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